Decision details
Revised Capital Programme 2021/22
Decision Maker: Community Services
Decision status: For Determination
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: No
The Director of Resources submitted a report asking committee to approve the 2021/22 revised estimate for this committee’s capital programme.
Five schemes totalling £1,555,000 had been approved by Special Policy and Finance committee and full Council in February and March 2021 respectively. This included three new schemes and two that had been moved from the 2020/21 capital programme to the 2021/22 capital programme.
During the year there had been several budget changes resulting in a capital programme of twelve schemes totalling £1,808,900. These had been revised to reflect their progress and estimated full year expenditure for 2021/22 which resulted in a proposed revised estimate of £591,360 for twelve schemes, a reduction of £1,217,540 from the total approved budget. The reasons were highlighted for committee’s information with the main one being the Installation of a Second Parking Deck on Chester Avenue Car Park scheme (£1,215,000) being moved to the 2022/23 financial year.
Of the twelve schemes in the proposed revised capital programme:
· Two were complete,
· Nine were currently expected to be completed in-year (with four being weather dependent), and
· It was unclear whether one scheme would be completed in-year.
Members discussed the Installation of a Second Parking Deck on Chester Avenue Car Park scheme in detail and agreed the scheme should be renamed Clitheroe Town Centre Car Park scheme.
1. Approve the 2021/22 revised estimate of £591,360 for this committee’s capital programme as set out, and
2. Approve the transfer of £1,215,000 budget from 2021/22 to 2022/23 for the Clitheroe Town Centre Car Park scheme.
Report author: Averil Crowther
Publication date: 13/01/2022
Date of decision: 11/01/2022
Decided at meeting: 11/01/2022 - Community Services
Accompanying Documents: