Decision details


Decision Maker: Policy and Finance

Decision status: For Determination

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


The Director of Resources submitted a report providing members with details of the previously approved capital programme schemes for 2022/23 to 2024/25, and the movement of some schemes from 2021/22 to 2022/23 following the revised capital programme 2021/22 review for recommendation to Council on 8 March 2022.


This year there were no new bids to consider, and the capital programme would go forward as a three-year capital programme rather than a five-year capital programme.


New bids had been sought and reported to service committees but in the light of the uncertainty regarding local government funding beyond 2022/23 and the impending fair funding review, had been set aside until later in the 2022/23 financial year.


Heads of Service had reviewed and updated the existing three-year capital programme covering 2023/24 to 2024/25.


The previously approved capital programme was summarised along with a number of adjustments proposed totalling £215,000, so increasing the programme from £3,526,480 to £3,741,480. Of the £215,000, £138,000 would be funded from increased Disabled facility grant funding. The balance of £77,000 would be funded from the Business Rate Growth Earmarked Reserve.


In addition, the external funding of £222,240 towards the Castle Keep Repointing scheme was unlikely to materialise so it was proposed that the balance of this scheme be funded from the Business Rates Growth Earmarked Reserve.


A further scheme had been approved by Community Services committee in respect of the Mardale Playing Pitches in the sum of £80,900 that would be fully funded from S106 monies.


In revising the 2021/22 capital programme, there had been 12 schemes/part schemes totalling £1,736,890 proposed to be moved to the 2022/23 financial year as they would not be completed by 31 March 2022 for various reasons.


Two of these schemes required additional funding due to increased scheme prices that would result in a further increase of £4,700 that would be funded from the Business Rates Growth Earmarked Reserve.


The final proposed capital programme and its financing was outlined for committee.


Reference was made to the Chester Avenue Car Park scheme and whether this was needed given the pressures on the Council’s resources for other schemes.  The Chairman reminded members that it had already been agreed previously that the scheme would not go ahead before full consideration was given by this Committee.




1.    Recommend the Capital Programme for 2022/23 to 2024/25 as set out in the report to Full Council on 8 March 2022, and


2.    Ask for due diligence work to be undertaken on all new capital bids to enable further consideration over the summer when we know the impact of the pending key financial reforms.



Report author: Averil Crowther

Publication date: 28/02/2022

Date of decision: 22/02/2022

Decided at meeting: 22/02/2022 - Policy and Finance

Accompanying Documents: