Decision details

Request for Flexible Retirement

Decision Maker: Personnel

Decision status: For Determination

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


The Chief Executive submitted a report for Committee to consider an application for flexible retirement from the Personal Assistant to the Chief Executive.


The report reminded Committee of the eligibility criteria under the Local Government Pension Scheme and detailed the Council’s Early Retirement Policy.


The Chief Executive’s recommendation was that the current post be changed to a part time job share post:

i)              2½ days Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday am

ii)             2½ days Wednesday pm, Thursday, Friday


The report noted that under flexible retirement there would be no pension strain cost on the council, and that agreeing to the request would have no impact on the service the member of staff provided and would provide some continuity when they retired fully in July 2025.




1.    Approve the flexible retirement request with effect from 1 August 2022 subject to the successful appointment of a job share partner, and


2.    Amend the establishment to make the Personal Assistant to the Chief Executive post job share with effect from the same date.

Report author: Marshal Scott

Publication date: 08/06/2022

Date of decision: 08/06/2022

Decided at meeting: 08/06/2022 - Personnel

Accompanying Documents:

  • Restricted enclosure