Decision details
Ribblesdale Pool Update
Decision status: Recommendations approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: No
The Head of Cultural and Leisure Services submitted a report requesting that Committee approve an increase in the establishment hours at Ribblesdale Pool to help reduce the reliance on casual staff for the core hours of the pool on weekdays.
It was noted that the amendment to the establishment will enable the pool to have greater certainty of lifeguard cover during the week and the increase in cost is negligible, it being met from the existing budget.
1. Agreed that a lifeguard post be increased from 25 to 37 hours per week, Monday to Friday.
2. Agreed that the post is restricted to females only so as to maintain a balance of males and females.
3. To request Personnel Committee to consider the proposed changes to the establishment at Ribblesdale Pool.
Report author: Mark Beveridge
Publication date: 22/03/2023
Date of decision: 14/03/2023
Decided at meeting: 14/03/2023 - Community Services
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