Decision details

Reference from Personnel Committee – Approval for Two Qualification Courses

Decision Maker: Policy and Finance

Decision status: For Determination

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


The Director of Resources and Deputy Chief Executive submitted a report for Committee to consider two requests for additional budgets to fund training courses as agreed by Personnel Committee.


The first being a request for a supplementary estimate of £6,450 in 2024/25 and a further £6,450 in 2025/26 for the Economic Development and Planning training budget. This would enable a Planning Assistant (Development Management) to undertake a part-time 2-year post-graduate Royal Town Planning Institute (RTPI) accredited planning degree. It was proposed this was funded from the Neighbourhood Planning Reserve.


The second request was for a labourer within the Works Admin Team to undertake a 2-year HNC in Construction Management at a cost of £4,500 per year with a total cost of £9,000. It was proposed this was met from the salary savings arising from the vacant Building Surveyor post within the Engineering Section.




1.    Approve a revenue supplementary estimate of £6,450 in the 2024/25 for the part-time (2-year) post-graduate Royal Town Planning Institute (RTPI) Accredited Planning Degree, to be funded from the Neighbourhood Planning Reserve.


2.    Approve an additional budget of £4,500 in the current year and £4,500 in 2025/26 to fund the HNC in Construction Management course to be met from in year salary savings.


Report author: Averil Crowther

Publication date: 01/10/2024

Date of decision: 10/09/2024

Decided at meeting: 10/09/2024 - Policy and Finance

Accompanying Documents: