Decision details

UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF)

Decision Maker: Policy and Finance

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


The Director of Economic Development and Planning submitted a report to update Members in respect of the Council’s UK Shared Prosperity Fund and to seek approval for some of the use of the Council’s UKSPF allocation.


A total of £1,618,757 of UKSPF funding had been allocated to schemes to date for which updates were provided. Details of the further schemes and allocations for Committee to consider were included in the report, which would result in an unallocated amount of £17,283 which had to be allocated and defrayed by 31 March 2025.


Under the previous agenda item, a number of projects under the REPF scheme had been supported which if they proceed would result in REPF being oversubscribed. It was suggested that some of the remaining UKSPF could be utilised to fund any REPF overspend. The Director of Economic Development and Planning would therefore assess completion dates on all projects and agree funding with the Director of Resources and Deputy Chief Executive in consultation with the UKSPF and Budget Working Groups. It had also been suggested that a contingency be set aside to fund overspend from the UKSPF and REPF funds.


Members were updated at the meeting that the UKSPF working group had met earlier that day and recommended that the feasibility study proposed at 9.1.7 be removed from the project scope and be considered under alternative funding options. The working group had also recommended that, following the works to Castle Street, further footpath resurfacing be completed on Market Place. The footway layout would remain as is and the cost was yet to be confirmed. LCC had advised the work could be completed in the new year, within the UKSPF deadline. Following queries at the working group meeting, the Director of Economic Development and Planning had clarified information and updated Members in respect of the Barrow Village Hall project.




1.     Agree to support the following projects with UKSPF funding:

1.1 Barrow Village Hall - an additional £41,000

1.2 Barrow Car Park- an additional £26,100

1.3 Salt Hill Play Area- £100,000

1.4 Brungerley Park- £150,000 as a reserve project

1.5 Charging Points- Edisford- £29,118

1.6 Charging Points- Longridge- £32,586

1.7 Whalley Education Foundation Car park- £27,600

1.8 Primrose Nature Reserve- £7,500


2.    Delegate authority to the Director of Economic Development and Planning to assess the additional work in order to extend the resurfacing of the footway down to Market Place in Clitheroe and prepare a report to review the costs in conjunction with UKSPF and Budget Working Groups.


3.  Confirm that applications into the UKSPF are closed.


Councillors D Birtwhistle and M Hindle returned to the meeting.



Publication date: 01/10/2024

Date of decision: 10/09/2024

Decided at meeting: 10/09/2024 - Policy and Finance

Accompanying Documents: