Decision details
Domestic Violence
Decision Maker: Health and Housing
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: No
The Director of Economic Development and Planning submitted a report on the Domestic Abuse Act 2021 and to seek approval for use of part of the Council’s new burdens funding in respect of domestic violence.
After previously receiving conflicting information from LCC, clarification had now been sought and it had been agreed that Ribble Valley Borough Council’s current dispersed units of temporary accommodation could be appropriate for victims of domestic abuse and their dependants.
It was noted that the homelessness guidance identifies that housing authorities must undertake an assessment in relation to applicants who are eligible and homeless, or threatened with homelessness. The guidance also deals with the issue of training and professional development with regards to domestic abuse. Basic training had been provided to the Council’s housing team but in order for full risk assessments to be undertaken, more detailed knowledge, training and experience would be required. Options were outlined for how the New Burdens funding could be utilised to obtain the necessary knowledge and it was recommended that HARV be commissioned to provide a part-time duty worker. It was noted that HARV had been assisting the Council by offering support on an interim basis since December 2023.
1. Note LCCs confirmation of the provision of support for victims of domestic abuse accommodation in the Council’s dispersed units of temporary accommodation and provide support to people/ families housed temporarily elsewhere on a community outreach basis.
2. Note the interim arrangements put in place with HARV to provide support to victims of domestic above for January 2024
3. Agree to an exemption to the Council’s Contract Procedure Rules to commission HARV directly for domestic abuse support services and not seek further quotes for the service.
4. Agree to utilising part of the Council’s New Burdens funding to commission HARV to undertake assessments of victims of domestic abuse to enable suitable accommodation to be identified including accessing refuge accommodation where required. This would be provided whilst there is sufficient New Burdens funding available to resource this service.
5. Delegate authority to the Director of Economic Development and Planning to enter into a service level agreement with HARV for the provision of the above services.
Publication date: 01/02/2024
Date of decision: 18/01/2024
Decided at meeting: 18/01/2024 - Health and Housing
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