Decision details

Hackney Carriage numbers

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


The Chief Executive submitted a report seeking Committee’s approval to a consultation on whether the current restrictions on the number of Hackney Carriages licensed by the Council should be maintained.


It was noted that Ribble Valley Borough Council is one of a minority of Councils which impose a maximum restriction on the number of Hackney Carriage licences issued.  Best Practice recently issued was that such restrictions should not be imposed.  However, if they are imposed then they need to be reviewed regularly and there should be wide-ranging consultation.  If challenged, the Council would need to demonstrate that there was no significant unmet demand. This would normally be done by way of an extensive survey, for which there would be cost implications.




Authorise the Head of Legal and Democratic Services to consult all interested parties on whether the current restriction on the number of Hackney Carriage licences issued by the Council should be maintained, and to obtain costings for a survey of unmet demand.


Publication date: 06/02/2024

Date of decision: 30/01/2024

Decided at meeting: 30/01/2024 - Licensing

Accompanying Documents: