Decision details

Clitheroe Castle Grounds Improvement Programme

Decision Maker: Community Services

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


The Director of Community Services submitted a report seeking Committee approval for the outlined approach to the Council’s investment in the Castle Grounds and to submit an expression of interest to the Heritage Lottery in the hope of attracting further major investment.


A number of projects were ongoing in relation to the Castle Keep and grounds. These included ongoing restoration works to the Castle Keep and a major refurbishment of the Castle Grounds, for which over 800k had been allocated from the Council’s capital programme, a review of the museum, and smaller capital projects which had either been completed or planned for future years. The Council had also approached Historic England and the Heritage Lottery in regard to funding a major lottery project, for which the proposed expression of interest was attached to the report. It was hoped that a clear indication as to whether a lottery bid could be developed would be available for Committee at the next meeting.


The report provided an outline of both potential projects in order to seek Committees approval for the approach being taken. If the expression of interest was not successful then a fully costed programme for all the allocated capital funding would be presented to Committee for approval in January 2025.




1.    Approve the overall approach to the Castle Grounds Improvement Works as outlined in the report.


2.    Approve the Expression of Interest as attached to the report being submitted to the Heritage Lottery.


3.    Note that a further report will be brought to committee in January 2025 detailing the result of the Expression of Interest and proposed next steps.


Publication date: 22/10/2024

Date of decision: 15/10/2024

Decided at meeting: 15/10/2024 - Community Services

Accompanying Documents: