Decision details
Draft Internal Audit Plan 2022/23
Decision Maker: Accounts and Audit
Decision status: For Determination
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: No
The Director of Resources submitted a report presenting the Strategic Internal Audit Plan for 2022/23 to 2024/25 for consideration and approval of committee.
The plan defined the scope and rationale behind each of the individual assignments and the resource requirements to deliver it. It also provided reassurance to the chief executive, s151 officer, senior managers and other stakeholders regarding the effectiveness of controls and management of risk.
Committee were reminded that it was their responsibility to monitor internal audit progress in achieving the Annual Audit Plan, evaluating the effectiveness of internal audit, the use of resources and where necessary recommending adjustments to the plan.
Committee were informed that the anticipated audit resources were considered sufficient to deliver the effective 3-year plan and that in 2022/23 the estimated resource was 656; with 409 days available to undertake the risk-based plan. It was noted however that this was based on the assumption that the current vacant post in the internal audit section would be successfully recruited to by October 2022. If this was not the case then it would be necessary to engage other resources.
The plan focussed on the Council’s risk register as this represented their own assessment of the risks to achieving the Corporate Strategy (2019 to 2023). It had been developed through a detailed risk assessment, mandated/core system requirements in compliance with PSIAS and consultations with senior management, directors and heads of service, with formal approval from the Corporate Management Team.
Approve the Strategic Internal Audit Plan 2022/23 to 2024/25.
Report author: Averil Crowther
Publication date: 01/07/2022
Date of decision: 29/06/2022
Decided at meeting: 29/06/2022 - Accounts and Audit
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