Issue - meetings
Original Revenue Budget 2022/23
Meeting: 20/01/2022 - Economic Development (Item 601)
601 Original Revenue Budget 2022/23 PDF 188 KB
Report of Director of Resources enclosed.
The Director of Resources submitted a report outlining the draft revenue budget for approval by committee and then consideration at Special Policy and Finance committee.
The Council’s three-year budget forecast had been presented to Policy and Finance committee in September 2021 when it predicted that there would be the following budget gaps: £82k in 2022/23, £139k in 2023/24 and £230k in 2024/25, after allowing for use of general fund balances.
Since that time there had been a number of significant changes affecting the budget. These included significant rises in inflation, an increase in national insurance contributions and implementation of a new pay line. Therefore, the budget gap for 2022/23 was estimated to increase to around £497k.
The provisional local government finance settlement announced in December 2021 was for just one year, with a national increase of 6.9% in Council’s core spending power in cash terms between 2021/22 and next year. This is the fourth one-year settlement in a row.
Headlines for Ribble Valley include:
· Core spending power set to increase by only 0.2% (£11,000) next year from £6.849m to £6.860m.
· Business Rate Baseline funding level is £1.354m which is the same as the current year, however £111k compensation will be received due to the loss of income received by freezing the business rate multiplier.
· An allocation of Revenue Support Grant (RSG) of £215 despite RSG increasing nationally by 3.1% for inflation.
· Rural Services Delivery Grant of £113,250 – same as the current year.
· Lower Tier Services Grant of £60,754 up from £57,696.
· A new one off 2022/23 Services Grant has been announced worth £822m in recognition of services and includes costs of the increase in NI contributions. Ribble Valley will receive £93,368.
· New Homes Bonus (NHB) – the Government have allowed a new round of NHB allocations for 2022/23 which will not attract any legacy payments. They have also allowed the one remaining legacy payment of £464k which has been allowed for. Next year there will be a payment of £741k for 2022/23 along with the legacy payment of £464k = £1.2m.
· The Lancashire Business Rate Pool has received designation to continue.
· The Council Tax can be increased by £5.
Taking these things into account reduces the budget gap from £487k to £233k.
Members were reminded that the fees and charges for this committee had been approved at their last meeting, and the consequential impact had been incorporated into the service budgets.
Once all committees had approved their detailed estimates, the overall position would be considered by the Budget Working Group and recommendations in order to produce a balanced budget would be made to Special Policy and Finance committee, before being presented to Full Council, at which point the Council Tax for 2022/23 would also be approved.
The draft proposed budget for 2022/23 was set out for each service area, starting with the original estimate for the current year and the predicted changes including inflation, movements in expenditure, income, support services and capital charges.
The net expenditure for this committee ... view the full minutes text for item 601