Issue - meetings
Capital Monitoring 2022/23
Meeting: 01/09/2022 - Health and Housing (Item 257)
257 Capital Monitoring 2022/23 PDF 171 KB
Report of the Director of Resources enclosed.
The Director of Resources submitted a report for information of progress on the 2022/23 capital programme for the period to the end of June 2022 for this committee.
At the end of June 2022 £249,982 had been spent or committed which equated to 7.1% of the annual capital programme budget for this committee. Of the nine schemes in the capital programme, four schemes were expected to be completed in-year, one scheme was unlikely to be completed in-year, three schemes were on-going grants schemes, and it was unclear whether one scheme would be completed in-year.
Officers raised the following issue to provide clarification. It was possible that the S106 funding re Land North of Dilworth Lane, Longridge would be utilised in a different manner, therefore, for future reports it was proposed to split the approved budget of £2,048,080 as follows:
· £422,130 left as the Equity Share Option Schemes.
· £1,625,950 re-named as “Affordable Housing – Longridge” scheme.
The delay regarding the Joiners Arms Roof Renewal was noted, and it was requested that progress be reported at the next Committee.