Issue - meetings
Homelessness Strategy
Meeting: 01/09/2022 - Health and Housing (Item 253)
253 Homeless Strategy 2022 - 2025 PDF 86 KB
Report of the Director of Economic Development and Planning enclosed.
Additional documents:
The Director of Economic Development and Planning submitted a report requesting Committee consider the Homeless Strategy for 2022-2025.
The report explained the draft strategy was presented to Committee in January 2022 and was discussed in detail at the Homeless Forum in June 2022. Following consultations, the strategy had been amended to reflect comments received. The main amendments shown in red were inclusion of a summary, an updated action plan around Domestic Abuse services, and information about affordable housing completions.
Members were reminded that an up-to-date Homeless Strategy is a requirement under the Homeless Act.
There was discussion at the meeting around hidden homelessness. There was an anticipated increase in homelessness due to the rising cost of living, and landlords selling rental properties. It was also suggested that education was needed around the triggers for homelessness, such as parental eviction and relationship breakdown, to try and address these issues. It was felt that residents of the Borough may not believe homelessness was an issue as rough sleeping was not prevalent however homeless households were hidden as many sofa surf. Officers confirmed that housing need would be looked at as part of the Local Plan review in order to understand housing needs across the Borough and address them through appropriate projects.
Concerns were raised over the expected increase in Domestic Violence linked with the pressures of the rising cost of living.
Committee requested that initiatives around Domestic Violence and Homelessness be moved up the agenda going forward, and that Committee receive a progress report at each cycle.
· Approved the Ribble Valley Homeless Strategy for 2022-2025.