Issue - meetings


Meeting: 31/08/2022 - Personnel (Item 248)

Update on National Pay Consultations 2022/23

Report of the Director of Resources enclosed.


The Director of Resources submitted a report updating members on the latest position in respect of the National Pay negotiations for 2022/23.


Members were reminded that a pay claim for 2022/23 had been submitted by the Joint Trade Union Side (Unite, Unison and GMB) on 6 June 2022.


The report noted that the claim was for:


·         A substantial increase with a minimum of £2,000, or the current rate of RPI (whichever was greater) all pay points.

·         COVID-19 recognition payment

·         A national minimum agreement on homeworking policies for all councils and the introduction of a homeworking allowance

·         An urgent review of all mileage rate currently applying

·         A review and update of NJC terms for family leave and pay

·         A review of term-time only contracts and consideration of retainers

·         A reduction in the working week (without loss of pay) to 35 hours (34 in London)

·         One additional day of annual leave


The report confirmed the National Employers response and summarised the one year offer of:


·         With effect from 1 April 2022, an increase of £1,925 on all NJC pay points 1 and above

·         With effect from 1 April 2022, an increase of 4.04 per cent on all allowances (as listed in the 2021 NJC pay agreement circular dated 28 February 2022)

·         With effect from 1 April 2023, an increase of one day to all employees’ annual leave entitlement

·         With effect from 1 April 2023, the deletion of pay point 1 from the NJC pay spine.

Members were informed that NJC Unions are now considering the offer and consulting with their members. 


The Director of Resources explained that the base budgets for 2022/23 had included an allowance for pay increases of 2% plus 1% held in a contingency.  The cost of the pay offer was around £500k which was £290k over the amount provided for.