Issue - meetings

Annual Absence Management Update

Meeting: 07/06/2023 - Personnel (Item 56)

Annual Absence Management Update

Report of Director of Resources / Deputy Chief Executive enclosed



The Director of Resources & Deputy Chief Executive submitted the Annual Absence Management Review for 2022/2023.


Members were reminded that the report is brought to the Committee on an annual basis and provides information and analysis on sickness during the year. The report noted that the Council’s Performance Plan has a target of 10 days absence per employee per year and that the Bradford Formula is used as atool to identify staff whose level of absence is a cause for concern.


It was noted that covid related absences continued to affect overall figures, however staff were able to work from home if fit and able, and if appropriate to do so.


The report provided a range of information:

·       Comparison data showed that long term (20+ days) and medium term (6-19 days) sickness were at the lowest point over the last 5 years, although short term sickness (1-5 days) had risen more recently.

·       Overall absences had reduced significantly over the past year with the average number of days lost per employee reducing from 9.98 days in 2021/22 to 7.62 days in 2022/23.

·       The average cost of absence had decreased from £265k in 2021/22 to £222k in 2022/23.


The welcome introduction of the Employee Assistance Programme in August 2022 was noted, which would help employees to manage their health and wellbeing and be a valuable resource for managers.