Issue - meetings
Finance System Server
Meeting: 12/09/2023 - Policy and Finance (Item 270)
Report of the Director of Resources Deputy
Chief Executive enclosed
The Director of Resources & Deputy Chief Executive submitted a report to the Committee to approve an additional capital programme scheme to enable the replacement of the financial server operating system. The scheme would also see an upgrade to the reporting software and a system version upgrade.
The Council has a number of servers running Windows Server 2012 R2 which would be de-supported by Microsoft in October, and therefore required upgrade. There were some options for extended support, but the most cost-effective way forward was to upgrade to the 2019 version.
There were three elements of upgrade work that would be undertaken, in respect of the server, Business Objects query tool, and the Civica Financials software. The upgrade work would be undertaken by Civica UK limited together with assistance from the Council’s in-house ICT team. The work would be completed within the financial year at a total cost of £13,500.
The Council received Section 31 New Burdens funding for costs around data transparency, and it was proposed to use some of these resources that were in earmarked reserves to fund the scheme.
1. Approve the new capital programme scheme for the 2023/24 financial year for the Financials System Server Upgrade and associated software upgrades at a cost of £13,500.
2. Approve the use of transparency code new burdens monies that are within earmarked reserves to fund the new capital scheme.