Issue - meetings
Future Delivery Model for Food Waste Collections
Meeting: 15/10/2024 - Community Services (Item 340)
Future Delivery Model for the Collection of Food Waste
Report of the Director of Community Services enclosed.
The Director of Community Services submitted a report to seek Committee approval for a future food waste collection model and agree to the necessary procurement, which would only be instigated once further confirmation of revenue funding was provided by government. The new service would start in April 2026 in line with government legislation. The report also requested approval not to introduce a commercial waste collection service until April 2026 in alignment with the domestic food waste collection.
Significant work had been undertaken to establish a model that minimised the number of bins per household, however due to waste disposal limitations outside the Council’s control, an additional food waste bin would be required. The report provided Committee with an overview of the many complexities and risks involved in introducing a food waste collection service in April 2026, and provided recommendations which would allow the Council to be ready to progress implementation once further certainty on funding was received.
Members discussed practical concerns with regard to the proposed food caddies and it was noted that take up would be optional however the Council would publicise and encourage take up wherever possible.
1. Agree the food waste collection model as outlined in this report.
2. Delegate the procurement of four vehicles as detailed in the report to the Director of Community Services in consultation with the Chair of the Committee. This will only be actioned once further certainty on revenue funding is received and the model is known to be affordable.
3. Agree that a letter be sent to DEFRA requesting an urgent indication of the Council’s revenue funding allocation, so that the capital procurement can proceed without financial risk.
4. Delegate the purchase of kitchen caddies and kerbside caddies to the Director of Community Services in consultation with the Chair. To be undertaken through a consortium with other Lancashire authorities led by Blackburn with Darwen council, all caddies will be grey and branded “Lancashire Waste Partnership”.
5. Agree that a sample survey of residents be undertaken to establish likely take up of the food waste service.