Issue - meetings
Ash Dieback Related Tree Works
Meeting: 15/10/2024 - Community Services (Item 330)
330 Ash Dieback Related Tree Works PDF 82 KB
Report of the Director of Community Services enclosed.
Additional documents:
The Director of Community Services submitted a report informing Committee about steps which need to be taken to address Ash Dieback (ADB) affecting trees on the Council’s land.
The Council had been managing the impact of Ash Dieback in recent years on numerous Council owned sites across the Borough, removing trees where necessary using existing budgetary provisions. Three priority areas had been identified, namely, Crosshill and Salthill in Clitheroe and Whalley Moor Community Woodland. The remaining works would require specialist tree contractors in order to ensure safe removal and minimize the impact of felling operations on the existing networks of footpaths, biodiversity and infrastructure. It was recommended that Committee request a supplementary estimate from Policy and Finance Committee for the sum of £35,000 for felling the trees at the three sites, which was required without delay before the bird nesting season started the following year.
It was confirmed at the meeting that following approval the tree feeling project would be publicised to alleviate concerns in the Community.
Approve a request for a supplementary estimate from Policy and Finance Committee for the sum of £35,000 to fell the trees affected by Ash Dieback in Whalley Woodland, Salthill and Crosshill Nature reserves.