Issue - meetings

Castle Museum - Future Operating Model

Meeting: 15/10/2024 - Community Services (Item 341)

Clitheroe Museum and Atrium Cafe - Options Appraisal

Report of the Director of Community Services enclosed.



The Director of Community Services submitted a report providing Committee with the results of an options appraisal for the future operation of Clitheroe Castle Museum.


The museum had been operated by the LCC Museums Service since its refurbishment in 2009. LCC had informed the Council of a cost increase which has been agreed by Policy and Finance Committee for one year whilst a review on the museums operation was undertaken. The study had now been completed which had determined the options for running the museum and it was recommended that Committee consider a re-negotiation of the current arrangements with LCC to include a number of additional development activities. Members were also asked to provide their views on the Atrium café which had been closed since Covid. A consultant could not be found to undertake a soft market test at an acceptable price, and feedback from local operators had determined that the current space was too small for a full dining offer.


Members discussed the Museum options and felt that the LCC Museums Service remained best placed to run the museum on the condition that the suggested improvements in the report could be agreed. Members put forward requests for input into museum content and suggested a combined Museum board with LCC. In regard to the Atrium Café, Members discussed options for the space in its current form and were reluctant to add the Stewards Gallery to the offering for food and beverage operation. Members suggested that the option to operate it as an art, cultural, and educational space was explored if a final attempt to find a commercial operator proved unsuccessful.




1.    Agree to the re-negotiation of the current arrangements with LCC to seek improvements as laid out in this report.


2.    Agree to a report being presented to committee in January 2025 to finalise either a new contract with LCC or an action plan to take the museum back in house.


3.    Support that commercial options for the Atrium be explored one last time but excluding the Stewards Gallery. If no commercial provider can be found, then an option to use the Atrium as an expanded cultural space should be developed.