Issue - meetings

Review of the Work of the Environmental Health Team

Meeting: 18/03/2021 - Health and Housing (Item 1064)

Review of the Work of the Environmental Health Team


The Chief Executive submitted a report informing members of the work undertaken by the Environmental Health Team since the onset of the first lockdown on 23 March 2020.  The report highlighted staffing level issues in the department, which has had a negative impact on the work undertaken by the Council.




1.   Note the work that has been undertaken by the Environmental Health team during a difficult last 12 months, and to recognise that there are potential serious shortcomings in the service currently provided due to the lack of qualified EHO’s in the team.


2.   Authorise a full review of the Environmental Health team be undertaken as a priority following the Head of Service’s anticipated return to work in May.  This review will focus on vacant posts, retention of existing staff and consider all other options including a potential restructure of the team.


3.   Refer to the Policy and Finance Committee to see if funds are available for the above review to be carried out by outside consultants.


4.   Agree to appoint a dog fouling working group consisting of Councillors; Alcock (chair), Newmark, Birtwhistle, Austin and Robinson.