Agenda and minutes
Venue: Council Chamber, 13 Church Street, Clitheroe, BB7 2RA
Contact: Olwen Heap 01200 414408 Email:
No. | Item |
Apologies for absence Minutes: Apologies for the meeting were received from Councillors S O’Rourke and M Robinson.
To approve the minutes of the previous meeting PDF 229 KB Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 24 August 2021 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.
Declarations of pecuniary, other registrable and non-registrable interests Members are reminded of their responsibility to declare any pecuniary, other registrable or non-registrable interest in respect of matters contained in the agenda.
Minutes: There were no declarations of disclosable pecuniary, other registrable or non-registrable interests.
Public participation Minutes: There was no public participation.
Review of Fees and Charges Report of Director of Resources enclosed. Additional documents: Minutes: The Director of Resources submitted a report seeking member approval on proposals to increase this committee’s fees and charges with effect from 1 April 2022.
These proposals were the first stage in the review of this committee’s budget for the forthcoming 2022/23 financial year.
The council’s latest budget forecast allows for a 3% inflationary increase in the level of income raised from fees and charges and the review aims to increase budgeted income for 2022/23 by this amount as a minimum.
After applying this percentage increase, proposed charges had generally been rounded up or down to minimise any problems with small change. This inevitably impacts on the individual percentage rise for each separate charge, particularly when the current charge is low.
Following discussions between financial services, heads of service and budget holders a proposed set of fees and charges for implementation from 1 April 2022 had been produced for this committee for members to consider.
It was reported that since the report had been written there were some fees to be reinstated for aqua fitness, Space card contracts and the Space swimmer saver monthly.
There was some discussion around car park fees and the penalty charges for those who overstay their ticket time.
Approve the level of fees and charges to be levied for this committee for 2022/23 as outlined in the report with the reinstatement of charges for aqua fitness, Space card contracts and Space swimmer saver monthly.
Playing Pitches at Edisford PDF 130 KB Report of Director of Community Services enclosed. Minutes: The Director of Community Services submitted a report seeking committee’s approval for the use of S106 monies received to help improve the playing pitches at Edisford.
As a result of the housing development at Low Moor, the sum of £18,784 had been given to the Council as the developer contribution for the improvement of off-site leisure provision. It was proposed to use this to improve drainage on the grass pitch that was created following the work to construct the synthetic pitch in 2019. The opportunity would also be taken to install a cut off drain to prevent surface water run-off from the pitch on to the path that leads to the tennis courts.
1. Approve the proposed use of the S106 funding on Edisford playing pitches;
2. Refer the budget request for £18,784 to Policy & Finance committee to be included in the capital programme for 2021/22; and
3. Agree, subject to approval at Policy and Finance committee, to the work being carried out in the current financial year. |
Report of Director of Community Services enclosed.
Minutes: The Director of Community Services submitted a report providing a programme of replacement/repair for the play areas that belong to the Borough.
The programme outlined proposed expenditure which could form the basis of a capital bid should members wish. It included repainting of equipment, repair/replacement of safety surfaces and some replacement/refurbishment of equipment.
Members thanked officers for the report and discussed the proposed programme and the need for works to be carried out. Problems with specific plays areas were highlighted.
1. Submit a new capital bid of £490k to Policy & Finance committee to be included in the capital programme, and
2. Agree that the programme should be delivered over 3/4 years.
S106 Projects, Longridge PDF 135 KB Report of Director of Community Services enclosed. Minutes: The Director of Community Services submitted a report seeking committee’s approval for an additional capital budget in respect of Mardale Football pitches and Longridge Sports and Arts Centre for 2022/23 and subsequent approval to procure the works.
A sum of £132,990 had been secured from the Dilworth development in Longridge in 2015 for 4 projects. Longridge Cricket Club and Kestor Lane play area had already been beneficiaries of £12k and £30k respectively. The balance of £90,990 was now available following the final payment from the developer. It was proposed to allocate £81k to improve pitch drainage at Mardale and £10k to Longridge Sports Club.
The Director explained to members that the S106 monies had to spent where the legal agreement specified and could not be transferred to any other project.
1. Recommend to Policy and Finance committee the approval of an additional capital budget of £80,900 in respect of Longridge Mardale pitches in the 2022/23 capital programme funded from S106 monies received from Taylor Wimpey in respect of Dilworth development in Longridge, and
2. Authorise the Director of Community Services, subject to approval of the capital budget by Policy and Finance committee, to procure drainage improvement works at Mardale pitch site, Longridge as specified in the report.
Report of Director of Community Services enclosed. Additional documents: Minutes: The Director of Community Services submitted a report providing members with an update on preparations for the 2022 Food Festival event and seeking approval in principle to the 2022 layout.
The date scheduled for the festival was Saturday 30 July 2022, which avoided clashes with other major events in the area. The option of a two-day event was still being explored, although there were some significant obstacles to overcome in this regard.
Members were reminded that safety requirements around crowd management had increased significantly in recent times and that this placed the safety of attendees as a priority and meant that managing the capacity of venues/locations was of paramount importance.
As a ‘free to attend’ event which was held in open streets/areas there are no physical controls on the numbers attending. From an organisation perspective, the Council is the body accountable for both running the event and potentially acting against organisers who flout their responsibility and could not therefore simply ignore this critical issue.
A plan was circulated showing a proposed revised layout for the event which sought to address the responsibility for crowd management. The same road closures as previously would still be used, but the focus for stalls would be in the New Market Street and market car park area with fewer stalls on the other streets.
It was also suggested that, because of staffing issues, external professional should be sought for the management of the event.
Members discussed the event, whether it should be 1 or 2 days and the issues of crowd safety and where the stalls should be situated. There was a request that the Bull Ring area of the market be earmarked for festival use in order to expand the offering beyond the layout included in the report.
1. Approve the revised layout proposed with the addition of the Bull Ring area, and
2. Agree that costs for external professional support for management of this event be sought.
Castle Grounds Winter Work Plans PDF 133 KB Report of Director of Community Services enclosed.
Additional documents: Minutes: The Director of Community Services submitted a report for information providing a detailed overview of the planned winter work in the Castle Grounds. The work includes important clearing and reinstatement of areas to both enhance the look and increase sight lines throughout the grounds.
Ribblesdale Pool swimming lessons PDF 141 KB Report of Director of Community Services enclosed.
Minutes: The Director of Community Services submitted a report for information giving an update on the challenges being faced in delivering swimming instruction at Ribblesdale Pool. The report outlined the unsuccessful attempts to recruit swimming teachers and the cost commitments involved with lifeguards getting qualified to teach. It was also apparent that our rate of pay is not competitive with other providers. A new option currently being explored was to establish a partnership with the Institute of Swimming and Swim England to support the aquatic workforce going forward and to offer training to new swimming teachers, who could then be employed by the Council to deliver a programme of lessons.
Report of Director of Community Services enclosed. Minutes: The Director of Community Services submitted a report for information giving an update on refuse collection in relation to the national lack of LGV drivers. In the last 4 months there had been resignations from 6 of the 13 drivers with 2 more due to leave soon. Four new starter drivers had been secured recently but this left only 9 drivers to complete 9 rounds, not accounting for annual or sick leave. Approaches made for temporary support from agencies had been unsuccessful.
Members asked questions regarding the issues around the need to keep the refuse collection service operating fully.
Capital Monitoring 2021/22 PDF 167 KB Report of Director of Resources enclosed. Minutes: The Director of Resources submitted a report on the progress on this committee’s 2021/22 capital programme for the period to the end of August 2021.
At the end of August 2021 £363,951 had been spent or committed, which was 20.3% of the annual capital programme budget for this committee.
Of the eleven schemes in the capital programme, one scheme was complete, seven schemes were currently expected to be completed in-year, it was unclear whether two schemes would be completed in-year and one scheme would not be completed in-year.
Revenue Monitoring 2020/21 PDF 188 KB Minutes: The Director of Resources submitted a report for information on the position for the period April to August 2021 of this year’s revenue budget as far as this committee was concerned.
The comparison between actual and budgeted expenditure shows an overspend of £34,805 for the first five months of the financial year 2021/22. After allowing for transfers to/from earmarked reserves the overspend was £68,863.
Reports from Representatives on Outside Bodies None. Minutes: There were no reports from representatives on outside bodies.
Exclusion of Press and Public None. Minutes: There were no items under this heading.