Agenda and minutes
Venue: Council Chamber, 13 Church Street, Clitheroe, BB7 2DD
Contact: Rebecca Hodgson 01200 414408 Email:
No. | Item | ||||||
Apologies for absence Minutes: Apologies for the meeting were received from Councillor R Newmark and M Robinson. |
To approve the minutes of the previous meeting Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 12 March 2024 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman. |
Declarations of disclosable pecuniary, other registrable and non-registrable interests Members are reminded of their responsibility to declare any disclosable pecuniary, other registrable or non-registrable interest in respect of matters contained in the agenda.
Minutes: There were no declarations of disclosable pecuniary, other registrable and non-registrable interests.
Public participation Minutes: There was no public participation. |
Capital Outturn 2023/24 Report of the Director of Resources and Deputy
Chief Executive enclosed. Minutes: The Director of Resources and Deputy Chief Executive submitted a report reviewing the final outturn of the 2023/24 capital programme for this Committee and seeking Member approval for the slippage of some capital scheme budgets from the 2023/24 financial year to the 2024/25 financial year.
Members were reminded that the total approved budget for this Committee’s capital programme of 21 schemes was £1,471,210. Later in the year the capital programme budget was revised to £960,410 in respect of 19 schemes. This followed a review of progress on all schemes in the capital programme and included moving budget of £440,170 on 5 schemes into the 2024/25 financial year.
Members were informed that the actual expenditure on this Committee’s capital programme was £625,177, which was 65% of the revised estimate budget.
Of the 19 schemes in the revised capital programme 10 were completed in year. The remaining 9 schemes were not completed in-year resulting in slippage from the 2023/24 financial year in to the 2024/25 financial year totalling £287,850.
An additional approval for the Changing Places Toilet Scheme of £42,000 was requested, which would be fully funded from DLUHC grant.
1. Approve the slippage of £287,850 as set out at paragraph 3.6 of the report.
2. Approve an additional £42,000 for the Changing Places Toilet Scheme in 2024/25, fully funded from DLUHC grant. |
Ribble Valley in Bloom Report of the Director of Community Services enclosed.
Additional documents: Minutes: The Director of Community Services submitted a report presenting the recommendations of the working group in relation to the allocation of grants for Ribble Valley in Bloom 2024.
Members were advised that the budget for the grant was £1370, and more money had been applied for than was available. It was noted that of the 13 applications received for funding, all had received an amount, which was on average around 65% of the sum requested.
Endorse the recommendations of the working group outlined in appendix 1 of the report. |
Litter on the Highways Report of the Director of Community Services enclosed.
Minutes: The Director of Community Services submitted a report providing Committee with an update on the current arrangements for collecting litter on the highway.
It was noted that for many years RVBC picked up litter on many of the roads within the Borough. However, due to recent changes in traffic regulations and revised risk assessments, the areas where the Council staff can safely work without traffic management in place had been reduced.
Safety zones had been designed to protect staff and are defined by cones/barriers and are often linked to traffic controls. Members were informed that anything that interfered with traffic requires permission from LCC, who are the Highway Authority. Furthermore, work on the highway also requires a traffic order which was an additional cost of over £1k per order.
Whilst LCC have suggested that the Public Realm budget could be used for traffic management, the cost would be too high to do so.
Members agreed that further partnership working was required with LCC to establish exactly how RVBC could clear litter from the highways safely and at a reasonable cost.
Waste Regulations Implementation Update Report of the Director of Community Services enclosed. Minutes: The Director of Community Services submitted a report providing Committee with a further update on changes to future waste collections following a response from DEFRA to their national consultation. DEFRA have now confirmed details as to which waste streams can be collected and how. These were summarised in the report.
It was noted that RVBC had secured free consultancy support from the Waste and Resource Action Programme (WRAP) to help in designing a future food waste collection service.
Following on from Government consultation in August 2023 regarding possible flexibilities in the collection of different waste streams, DEFRA had now provided further clarity regarding proposed future guidance.
Bearing in mind the government’s desire to have as few different types of bins as possible (a view that is thought to be shared by local residents), discussions had been taking place between RVBC and LCC (the Waste Disposal Authority) as to establishing a service that minimises the number of bins. It was noted that RVBC have yet to receive a formal response as to whether it would be possible to comingle recyclables or organic waste to reduce the number of bins. A decision can only be made after the cost implications for both the collection and disposal of waste has been examined.
Councillor T Austin was granted permission to speak and provided a verbal update on the Waste Partnership meeting he attended on 28 March 2024.
1. A formal request be submitted to Lancashire County Council requesting that:
a. All options continue to be considered for a co-mingled recyclables disposal service allowing paper waste to be collected with bottles and cans.
b. That options for a co-mingled organic waste service be fully considered, allowing garden waste and food waste to be collected together.
c. That a formal response be provided as soon as possible regarding the above.
Contemporary Arts Exhibition - Grant Request Report of the Director of Community Services enclosed. Minutes: The Director of Community Services submitted a report asking Committee to help support the running of the 2024 Clitheroe Contemporary Festival by awarding a further grant of £3,000.
It was noted that in March 2024, RVBC had awarded £1,000 to support the running of the festival. Details of the festival were provided to Committee and the benefits of the project were outlined within the report.
Members were informed that the festival organisers now had concerns that they may not have raised enough money to fund the event, and this would mean they potentially wouldn’t satisfy the criteria for LCC’s Lancashire Culture and Sport Fund. This could have a significant impact on match funding being provided through the LCC fund. This would significantly affect the scale of this year’s festival and the future of the event.
Councillor D Birtwhistle was granted permission to speak and advised that unfortunately the main hub venue for the festival in Clitheroe was no longer available. He therefore made a request for an additional £525 to fund the use of the Council’s Civic Suite instead.
Whilst Members agreed that both requests should be granted, it was made clear that this was an exceptional circumstance. All future funding would only be awarded through the annual grants process.
1. Approve the use of the arts development budget to support the Clitheroe Contemporary Festival with a further grant of £3,525 for the 2024 edition.
2. Ask Policy and Finance Committee to provide a sum to the Arts Development Budget equal to the support given to the festival to ensure that the Arts Strategy work can still be completed. |
Appointment to Working Groups Report of the Chief Executive enclosed. Minutes: The Chief Executive submitted a report asking Committee to consider the reappointment of the working groups under the remit of the Community Services Committee and their membership. The three active working groups under the remit of this Committee were highlighted.
1. Approve the continuance of the grants, car parking and arts strategy working groups for the 2024/25 municipal year as follows:
2. The names of the Councillors on each working group will be forwarded to the Committee Clerk. |
Grounds Maintenance Update Report of the Director of Community Services enclosed.
Minutes: The Director of Community Services submitted an information report updating Members regarding grounds maintenance.
Details were provided as to the open spaces in the Borough that were maintained by RVBC, the levels of staff employed and the nature of the work undertaken.
It was noted that the capital programme for the coming year includes many improvements to Ribble Valley’s parks and open spaces, in particular the castle grounds which will lay the foundations for a Green Flag submission. A further report on this will be presented to a future committee. |
Ribble Valley 3G Football Pitch Update Report of the Director of Community Services enclosed.
Minutes: The Director of Community Services submitted an information report providing Committee with an update on the winter season usage for the Ribble Valley 3G pitch.
Members were provided with a summary of the usage, maintenance, and income of the 3G pitch. It has proved invaluable to the thousands of people who have benefited from using it and it was noted that discussions continue with the sporting bodies such as the Football Foundation to secure similar facilities across the borough. |
Healthy Lifestyle Sessions Update Report of the Director of Community Services enclosed.
Minutes: The Director of Community Services submitted a report providing Committee with an update on the work of the Councils’ Healthy Lifestyles Team. Programmes highlighted in the report included the cardiac rehabilitation sessions, healthy walks, the healthy weight programme, escape pain sessions and best foot forwards. |
Castle Keep Restoration Works Update Report of the Director of Community Services enclosed.
Minutes: The Director of Community Services submitted an information report providing Committee with an update regarding the proposed works at Clitheroe Castle Keep.
It was noted that the overall structure of the keep is sound, but the stage 1 Structural Survey did highlight areas of concern regarding stonework that could potentially come loose. The stage 2 Structural Survey had not yet been received in full, but once completed, the Survey findings will prioritise the remaining remedial works required to make the monument structurally stable and safe as well as removing veggatation. A further report will be presented to Committee in August 2024.
General report of the Director of Community Services Report of the Director of Community Services enclosed. Minutes: The Head of Cultural and Leisure Services submitted an information report updating Committee on a variety of developments across Community Services. Particular reference was made to the:
· Priorities for the coming year · Key updates on the ongoing UKSPF schemes · Bathing water site designation at Edisford Bridge · Edisford car parking barrier · Ribblesdale pool covers · Playing pitch strategy · Platform gallery
Minutes of Working Groups |
Minutes of Grants Working Group 20 February 2024 Minutes: Members noted the minutes of the Grants working group on 20 February 2024. |
Reports from Representatives on Outside Bodies |
Lancashire Waste Partnership Report of Cllr T Austin enclosed. Minutes: Committee noted the report of Councillor T Austin in relation to the Waste Partnership meeting he attended on 28 March 2024.
Exclusion of Press and Public There are no items under this heading. Minutes: There were no items under this heading. |