Agenda and minutes
Venue: Council Chamber, 13 Church Street, Clitheroe, BB7 2DD
Contact: Olwen Heap 01200 414408 Email:
No. | Item |
Apologies for absence Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Councillors J Clark and R Elms. |
To approve the minutes of the previous meeting PDF 60 KB Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 16 June 2022 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman. |
Declarations of disclosable pecuniary, other registrable and non registrable interests Members are reminded of their responsibility to declare any disclosable pecuniary, other registrable or non-registrable interest in respect of matters contained in the agenda.
Minutes: There were no declarations of disclosable pecuniary, other registrable or non-registrable interests.
Public participation Minutes: There was no public participation. |
Revenue Outturn 2021/22 PDF 105 KB Report of Director of Resources
enclosed. Minutes: The Director of Resources submitted a report for information on the outturn for the financial year 2021/22 on the revenue budget for this committee.
Following a number of variations in both income and expenditure during the year, there was an overall underspend of £4,597 on the net cost of services, which after transfers to and from earmarked reserves gave an overall underspend of £21,123. |
Revenue Monitoring 2022/23 PDF 83 KB Report of Director of Resources
enclosed. Minutes: The Director of Resources submitted a report for information on the position on this year’s revenue budget for this committee for the period April to July 2022.
The comparison between actual and budgeted expenditure showed an overspend of £4,941 for the first four months of the financial year 2022/23. |
Capital Monitoring 2022/23 PDF 105 KB Report of Director of Resources
enclosed. Minutes: The Director of Resources submitted a report for information on the progress on this committee’s 2022/23 capital programme for the period to the end of July 2022.
To date there had been no spend on the one capital scheme and it was unclear if the scheme budget would be spent by financial year-end. |
Report of Director of Community Services enclosed. Minutes: The Director of Community Services submitted a report updating members on the Food Festival held on 30 July 2022 in Clitheroe.
The event had been organised and managed by Council staff together with volunteers on the day from Rotary and Lions. It had been attended by around 100 businesses and organisations and was of a similar size to the pre-covid event in 2019. The event had proved difficult to organise because of problems with suppliers for the services used to stage the event, and costs associated with these services were significantly higher than in previous years. He informed members that the marquee supplier which had been booked for several months let the Council down 5 days before the event leading to prices being obtained from new suppliers and the lowest quote from a Blackpool supplier was accepted. The event was a success for the Council and for the Borough as a whole. A review of the event would take place in due course along with options in future for a two day/Sunday event and outturn costs calculated. He reminded members that in future, the staging of the event would be under the remit of Economic Development committee.
Members were pleased with the success of the festival and discussed various ideas around a Christmas event.
At 6.40pm an announcement was made that Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth had passed away. A minute silence was observed.
The meeting was closed before the last item of business was considered. |
Welcome Back Fund - Update PDF 75 KB Report of Director of Economic Development and Planning enclosed. Minutes: The Director of Economic Development and Planning submitted a report for information updating members on the next steps in respect of the retail centres following the production of the retail centre report which was funded by the Welcome Back Fund.
She informed members that it was now the intention that the suggestions identified within the action plans feed into the service centre action plans developed by the economic development team for the three main retail areas. Work had already commenced on the Plan for Longridge.
The action plans would also feed into the review of the Council’s Economic Plan, where the first workshop event as part of that review had been arranged for October.
She also reported that once DLHUC had confirmed whether our investment plan for the UK Shared Prosperity Fund was acceptable, members of Policy and Finance committee would be deciding on how this funding over the life of the fund would be utilised. The retail centre action plans may also feed into projects supported. |
Reports from representatives on outside bodies None. Minutes: There were no reports from representatives on outside bodies. |
Exclusion of Press and Public None. Minutes: There were no items under this heading. |