Agenda and minutes
Venue: Council Chamber, 13 Church Street, Clitheroe, BB7 2DD
Contact: Olwen Heap 01200 414408 Email:
No. | Item |
Apologies for absence Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs B Buller and R Thompson. |
To approve the minutes of the previous meeting Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 8 September 2022 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman. |
Declarations of disclosable pecuniary, other registrable and non registrable interests Members are reminded of their responsibility to declare any disclosable pecuniary, other registrable or non-registrable interest in respect of matters contained in the agenda.
Minutes: There were no declarations of disclosable pecuniary, other registrable or non-registrable interests.
Public participation Minutes: There was no public participation. |
Report of Director of Economic Development and Planning enclosed. Minutes: The Director of Economic Development and Planning submitted a report updating members on the Clitheroe Food Festival.
The report outlined the success, challenges, and financial outcome of the 2022 Festival.
It was proposed to hold a Festival in 2023 on the weekend of 12 August. Consideration was currently being given to a two-day event and further suggestions would be subject of a further report to committee.
Members discussed the merits and challenges of holding a two-day event and asked that officers consider this carefully.
1. Approve a 2023 Food Festival to be held on the weekend of 12 August 2023, and
2. Ask that a further report with suggestions on how the event should look be brought back to next committee. |
Ribble Valley Economic Plan 2023 - 2026 Report of Director of Economic Development and Planning enclosed. Minutes: The Director of Economic Development and Planning submitted a report for information providing an update on the Economic Plan 2023 – 2026.
Members were reminded that the existing Economic Plan 2019 - 2022 was a working document with several of the projects identified having been delivered and work was continuing on others. The Plan had recently been used as a starting point at a special Ribble Valley Economic Partnership meeting for a SWOT analysis on the 5 action areas. Based on this, new objectives and projects would be identified which would form the new draft Plan for members approval and subsequent consultation with stakeholders before formal adoption. |
Town Centre Health Check Update Report of Director of Economic Development and Planning enclosed. Minutes: The Director of Economic Development and Planning submitted a report for information providing an update on the ‘health’ of the key service centres of Clitheroe, Longridge and Whalley.
It included information on vacant properties and employment figures. The situation would continue to be monitored. |
Capital Monitoring 2022/23 Report of Director of Resources enclosed. Minutes: The Director of Resources submitted a report for information on the progress on this committee’s 2022/23 capital programme for the period to end of September 2022.
There had been no spend on the one capital scheme and it was unclear if the scheme budget would be spent by financial year-end. |
Revenue Monitoring 2022/23 Report of Director of Resources enclosed. Minutes: The Director of Resources submitted a report for information on the position for the period April to September 2022 on this year’s revenue budget for this committee.
The comparison between actual and budgeted expenditure showed an overspend of £16,243 for the first six months of the financial year 2022/23. After allowing for transfers to/from earmarked reserves the overspend was £5,776. There were no areas of spend that presented any significant concern.
Before the meeting finished the Director gave members an update on plans to hold Christmas markets on 3 Saturdays in December in the bullring area of the market. This would coincide with the weekends when there was free parking and the Mayor would be invited to switch on the Christmas lights. |
Reports from representatives on outside bodies None. Minutes: There were no reports from representatives on outside bodies. |
Exclusion of Press and Public None. Minutes: There were no items under this heading. |