Agenda and minutes
Venue: Council Chamber
Contact: Jenny Martin
No. | Item |
Apologies for absence Minutes: Apologies for absence from the meeting were received from Councillors S Hirst, J Alcock, H McFall and A Wilkins-Odudu. |
To approve the minutes of the previous meeting PDF 108 KB Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 18 January 2024 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman. |
Declarations of disclosable pecuniary, other registrable and non registrable interests Members are reminded of their responsibility to declare any disclosable pecuniary, other registrable or non-registrable interest in respect of matters contained in the agenda.
Minutes: There were no declarations of disclosable pecuniary, other registrable or non-registrable interests. |
Public participation Minutes: There was no public participation. |
Report of the Chief Executive enclosed Minutes: The Chief Executive submitted a report asking Committee to review and approve the new Ribble Valley Borough Council – Stray Dog Policy.
Members noted that the current policy relating to stray dogs was scant, outdated and inaccurate. A new policy had been created which rectified this and contained updated details of the Councils legal responsibilities, processes and enforcement options. It also makes specific provision that ‘as a last resort, a stray can be humanely put to sleep by a vet if it cannot be rehomed.
There was discussion as to how dog owners are made aware of where their dogs are taken in the event they have gone missing, with a suggestion that posts could be made on the Council’s social media sites. Reference was also made to stray dogs that also appear to be dangerous. The Head of Environmental Health advised that they would need to be taken to a kennel and expert advice sought. Officers work closely with the police and it was noted that the relevant officers will be undertaking Dangerous Dog Awareness training.
Approve Ribble Valley Borough Council’s new ‘Stray Dog Policy’ |
Report of the Director of Economic Development and Planning enclosed Additional documents:
Minutes: The Director of Economic Development and Planning submitted a report providing an overview of the First Time Buyers’ Energy Efficiency grant delivery in the borough and requesting approval to continue the scheme in 2024/25.
The grants were first introduced in April 2022, and they encourage first time buyers to consider buying existing older properties in the borough and to make improvements to their energy efficiency and EPC ratings. Members were reminded of the eligibility criteria for the scheme and were advised that it had been working well, with 19 grants being completed so far.
The proposal was for £100,000 to be transferred from the landlord and tenant budget to enable delivery of the scheme in 2024/25. Members agreed that the scheme was beneficial and discussion took place around the marketing and promotion of it.
Agree to transfer £100,000 from the Landlord Tenant Grant budget to the First Time Buyers Energy Efficiency Grant Scheme in 2024/25 subject to Policy and Finance Committee approving the transfer.</AI2>
Revenue Monitoring 2023-24 PDF 114 KB Report of the Director of Resources &
Deputy Chief Executive enclosed Minutes: The Director of Resources and Deputy Chief Executive submitted a report informing Committee as to the progress of the 2023/24 revenue budget, as at the end of January 2024.
The comparison between actual expenditure and the revised estimate budget for this Committee at the end of January 2024 showed a net overspend of £22,312, after allowing for transfers to and from earmarked reserves.
It was noted that at this stage, the expectation is that this Committee’s net expenditure outturn for the full year will be largely within the 2023/24 revised estimate.
Capital Programme 2024-25 PDF 152 KB Report of the Director of Resources &
Deputy Chief Executive enclosed Minutes: The Director of Resources and Deputy Chief Executive submitted a report informing Members of the schemes approved for inclusion in this Committee’s 2024/25 capital programme.
It was noted that this Committee had an approved 2024/25 capital programme of £3,166,080 for 6 schemes and any slippage on schemes in the 2023/24 capital programme would be reported to this Committee.
Discussion took place surrounding the Disabled Facilities Grants and the difficulties faced, largely from external factors. It was noted with approval that a private Occupational Therapist (OT) had just been employed to carry out some assessments, which would hopefully assist in reducing waiting times.
The importance of promoting grants was re-iterated and Members were advised of the avenues used by the Council, such as at Parish Council Liaison meetings and via the Partnership Officer (Sarah Wells). |
Homelessness and Refugee Update PDF 72 KB Report of the Director of Economic Development and Planning enclosed Minutes: Members noted the report submitted by the Director of Economic Development and Planning informing Committee as to the level of homelessness and refugees in the borough.
Minutes of Working Groups There are no items under this heading. Minutes: There were no minutes from working groups. |
Reports from Representatives on Outside Bodies There are no items under this heading. Minutes: There were no reports from representatives on outside bodies. |
Exclusion of Press and Public Minutes: RESOLVED: That by virtue of the next item of business being exempt information under Paragraphs 1 and 2 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972 the press and public be now excluded from the meeting.
Home Safety Grant Report of the Director of Economic Development and Planning enclosed Minutes: The Director of Economic Development and Planning submitted a report seeking Committee’s approval for essential works to be carried out at a property in the Ribble Valley, which would exceed the grant maximum limit.
Approve a grant of £1650 to enable the porch at the property to be demolished.
Homes for Ukraine Grant Applications and Request for Support Report of the Director of Economic Development and Planning enclosed Minutes: The Director of Economic Development and Planning submitted a report seeking Committee’s approval for support requests received from the Borough’s Ukrainian residents.
The requests related to using money from the Homeless Prevention Grant for the retrospective support towards the purchase of essential household items necessary for residents to move into suitable accommodation; and support from Community Integration funding towards the funeral costs of a resident.
1. Agree to allow retrospective applications for the three households who moved prior to the grant being offered along with any further eligible households.
2. Approve utilizing £500 of the community integration funding to assist with costs of the funeral. |
Grants Update Report of the Director of Economic Development and Planning enclosed Minutes: The Director of Economic Development and Planning submitted a report informing Committee of recent approvals for Disabled Facilities Grants and Landlord Tenant Grants. |