Agenda and minutes

Venue: by ZOOM

Contact: Mike Hill 

No. Item


Apologise for absence (if any)


Apologies for absence were received from Borough Councillors Jennifer Schumann and Robert Thomson.


Apologies were also received from the following Parish Representatives:

Alan Schofield - Clayton-le-Dale

Ralph Assheton - Downham

Harry Gee - Longridge

Rosemary Beecham - Longridge

Andy Glover - West Bradford



To approve the minutes of the previous meeting pdf icon PDF 191 KB


The minutes of the meeting held on 28/01/2021 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.



Public participation (if any)


There was no public participation.



Code of Conduct - Report pdf icon PDF 210 KB

Report of Chief Executive – Enclosed.

Additional documents:


The Chief Executive submitted a report informing members of the recommendations of best practice from the Committee of Standards in Public Life, the launch of the LGA Model Code of Conduct and the amendments which have been made to the Council’s Standards Arrangements.


Members were reminded that the Localism Act 2011 required councils, including parish councils to promote and maintain high standards of conduct by members and co-opted members and adopt a code dealing with the conduct that is expected of members and co-opted members when they are acting in that capacity.


Members were also reminded that the Act also provides that a parish council may comply with the provision to adopt a code by adopting the borough councils. 


It was noted that the Council will consider whether to adopt the LGA Model Code as a whole or with some amendment at its Accounts and Audit Committee in April 2021.


Once the Council has adopted a revised Code of Conduct, it is the intention of the Monitoring Officer, to run a series of training sessions for Parish Councillors.



Briefing on the Local Plan - Verbal

Briefing by Colin Hirst - Head of Regeneration and Housing


The Head of Regeneration and Housing provided an update on the work being undertaken in the preparation of the Council’s new Local Plan. 


Members were informed that the Council would set out a time-frame for Parish Councils to be consulted on the new Local Plan.



BT pay-phone removal consultation - verbal update

Briefing by Colin Hirst - Head of Regeneration and Housing


The Head of Regeneration and Housing provided an update on BT’s proposal to remove several payphones that are currently located in the Ribble Valley.


A discussion took place as to the need for pay-phones in certain locations and that BT should be informed of such.


The Head of Regeneration and Housing said he would discuss the matter with the Parish Councils affected.



Highway Safety - Sabden Parish Council


Highway safety issues for pedestrians are all high on the agenda at Sabden and we believe other parishes have similar concerns.


Purpose of the discussion:

To see if a joint approach in tackling this issue can be agreed.


Councillor Richard Vickers from Sabden Parish Council set out the safety issues for pedestrians in Sabden.


Members discussed the matter in some detail, and it was suggested that the newly appointed Chief Constable for Lancashire be invited to attended a future meeting of this Committee.


Councillor Vickers asked those parish councillors who were also concerned about road safety to contact him with the purpose of setting up a road safety working group.



Dog Theft - Mellor Parish Council


Dog theft is on the increase and has been extensively reported on TV, Radio and in the Press over recent months.  The North West has been identified as a hot spot for this type of crime, particularly in rural areas like the Ribble Valley.


Purpose of the discussion:

1.   To start a dialogue amongst interested parties to consider what measures could be put in place to reduce the incidence of dog theft in the Borough. The aim to make the Ribble Valley a “no go area” for this crime.


2.    Determining who could take the lead role in bringing the parties together.


Councillors John Hymas and Nick Marsden from Mellor Parish Council highlighted the increase in dog thefts in the North West of England.


The matter was discussed in detail and members requested the Council to keep them updated as to what local agencies including Lancashire County Council and the Community Safety Partnership are doing on the issue.


A suggestion was made that a social media and poster campaign along the lines of ‘Be Dog Theft Aware’ be supported by the Council.



Parking, waste bins and dog bins. - Aighton, Bailey and Chaigley Parish Councils

For discussion.


The Clerk to Aighton, Bailey and Chaigley Parish Councils’ informed the Committee of the issues being reported at the local beauty spots regarding the lack of general waste and dog waste bins and the overflow of those bins that are currently in situ.


The matter was discussed in detail and the Head of Regeneration and Housing informed members that the Council’s Health and Housing Committee had created a working group to look at dog fouling and that membership of the group had been picked from members who are on both the Health and Housing Committee and the Community Committee.



Date and time of next meeting


The Chairman informed the committee that the next meeting would be on 24 June 2021 at 6.30pm.