Agenda and minutes

Venue: Council Chamber

Contact: Jenny Martin 

No. Item


Appointment of Chair for 2023/24




That Parish Councillor Martin Highton be appointed as Chairman for this Committee for 2023/2024.



Appointment of Vice Chair for 2023/24




That Councillor Gary Scott be appointed as Vice Chairman for this Committee for 2023/2024.



Apologies for absence


Apologies for absence were received from Borough Councillor S O’Rourke.


Apologies were also received from the following Parish Councils:


Aighton, Bailey & Chaigley

R Whitaker      Newton in Bowland

R Chew           West Bradford



To approve the minutes of the previous meeting pdf icon PDF 88 KB


The minutes of the meeting held on 6 April 2023 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.



Declarations of disclosable pecuniary, other registrable and non registrable interests

Members are reminded of their responsibility to declare any disclosable pecuniary, other registrable or non-registrable interest in respect of matters contained in the agenda.



There were no declarations of disclosable pecuniary, other registrable or non-registrable interests.



Public participation


There was no public participation.



Briefing on the work of the Parish Council Liaison meeting

Verbal Presentation


The Head of Strategic Planning and Housing confirmed that this is not a decision-making Committee.  The Borough council will bring items to this Committee that are of interest to many of the Parish Councils and to raise awareness on issues concerning the Ribble Valley.


With regards to the Committee agenda, Parish Councils can suggest items to be added, which should be items of broad interest to Parish Councils generally.


It was confirmed that public speakers can be invited to talk on particular topics of interest.



New Policing Model

Presentation on the new model coming into force in June 2023


This Item was deferred. The Police Officer who was due to give a presentation on the new Policing Model did not attend. The Item will be put on a future agenda.


The Chief Executive confirmed that a briefing on the Target Operating Model for the Ribble Valley would be circulated to Parish Councils



Reports from other Committees


Ribble Valley Economic Plan 2023-26 pdf icon PDF 939 KB

Report from the Economic Development Committee


The Director of Economic Development and Planning had submitted a report to the Economic Development Committee outlining the draft Economic Plan 2023-2026.


The plan follows a similar format to the existing Economic Plan and is split into five priority areas:


1.     People – Focuses on those actions that will support skills development.


2.     Place – Focuses on those actions that recognise and respect the value and character of the Ribble Valley.


3.     Business Support – Focuses on those actions that sustain competitiveness and strengthens business networks.


4.     Connectivity – Focuses on those actions that will act as the catalyst for better digital and public transport connectivity.


5.     Tourism – Focuses on those actions that will promote the development of accommodation, improve hospitality and support events building on the attraction of the local area.


It was resolved at the Economic Development Committee on 15 June 2023 to authorise the Director of Economic Development and Planning to carry out a public consultation for a period of six weeks on the draft Economic Plan.


The Head of Strategic Planning and Housing confirmed that the consultation has not yet started but she urged Parish Councils to engage with the process and send comments to Ribble Valley Borough Council.


There was discussion as to bringing a report to this Committee annually to assess how strategic plans such as the Economic Plan is progressing.  The Head of Strategic Planning and Housing has agreed to bring a report to PCL on the delivery of the current Economic Plan.


Parish Council representatives also sought an update on the Local Plan.  The Committee were advised that there have been some delays with the Local Plan, partly due to staffing issues within the Council.  However, there is a considerable amount of work being carried out, on what is a very complex programme.  The Head of Strategic Planning and Housing will continue to engage with Parish Councils on the Local Plan at appropriate times.


It was confirmed that the Local Plan is a separate process to that of the Economic Plan and consultation on them will take place separately.  To consider them together would only serve to delay the Economic Plan and could create confusion. 





Home Upgrade Grant (Phase 2) Scheme (HUG2) pdf icon PDF 721 KB

Report from Health and Housing Committee


The Director of Economic Development and Planning had submitted a report to raise awareness of the availability of the Home Upgrade Grant (HUG) and to encourage uptake across the Borough.  The scheme applies to off mains gas properties.


It was noted that the Borough has a high percentage of off mains gas properties and therefore it is important that residents are aware of the availability of the scheme as often rural properties are not eligible for grant schemes.  The availability of the scheme will be promoted through the Council’s website, press releases.  The Head of Strategic Planning and Housing asked Parish Councils to assist in promoting the scheme to their residents.   Leaflets were prepared for Parish Councils to take away.





Matters brought forward by Parish Councils

Parish Councillors to raise issues verbally in the meeting




This was a request made by Simonstone Parish Council.


Parish Councillor, David Peat spoke on the Patient-led Assessments of the Care Environment (PLACE) Initiative and the importance of engaging communities with this. The emphasis should be on the Ribble Valley working together uniformly on this initiative.


It was agreed that Ribble Valley Borough Council would invite Jackie Moran, who is the Director of East Lancashire Place and is on Lancashire and South Cumbria Integrated Care Board to attend the next meeting to give a presentation on the initiative.






This issue was raised by Simonstone Parish Council. 


The Chief Executive confirmed that a report on the Rural England Prosperity Fund (REPF) had been submitted to the Policy and Finance Committee on 20 June 2023.  It was felt that the current scheme is too complicated and needs to be simplified.  This scheme will cover all areas of the Ribble Valley, with the exception of Clitheroe, Longridge and Whalley and there is a pot of approximately £400,000.


There was discussion as to rural villages that are cut off from the larger urban areas potentially having put the levelling up money into transportation and whether there were alternative funds available for this purpose.  The Chief Executive spoke about the Little Green Bus Charity which provides transport to people who can’t use regular public transport.  It was agreed that the Little Green Bus Charity would be invited to attend a future meeting to discuss the support and services they offer.  The Chief Executive also suggested that the Parish Councils could look at joining together to purchase a bus and to recruit volunteer drivers.




Mr Andrew Yates of Bolton by Bowland, Gisburn Forest and Sawley Parish Council provided Committee with an update.  In particular, the current focus of the working group has been on considering 20mph speed limits in village areas.  The objectives are, amongst others:


        To improve the quality of life within rural communities, where pedestrian and cyclist’s movements are high.


        To slow the traffic down going through village streets.


Mr Yates advised that a list had been put together of ways to implement 20mph speed limits e.g. having buffer zones and appropriate signage.  Reference was made to initiatives in the UK, such as in the Scottish Borders, where 20mph speed limits have been imposed and the positive impact this has had.


Committee was provided with a brief overview of the approximate cost of implementation.  An estimated budget for a 20mph limit (per single road) with buffer would be £3/5,000.  However, for an accurate budget, a scoping exercise a scoping exercise would need to be undertaken by an LCC authorised contractor.

Committee were informed that ten Parish Councils are now signed up to the working group.  Mr Yates wanted to canvass if any other Parish Councils wished to become involved going forward to assist with the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 305.


Date and time of next meeting


The Chairman informed the Committee that the next meeting would be on 14 September 2023 at 6.30pm.