Agenda and minutes
Venue: Council Chamber
Contact: Jenny Martin 01200 413214
No. | Item |
Apologies for absence Minutes: Apologies for absence for the meeting were received from Councillor K Horkin. |
To approve the minutes of the previous meeting PDF 90 KB Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 30 May 2024 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair. |
Declarations of disclosable pecuniary, other registrable and non registrable interests Members are reminded of their responsibility to declare any disclosable pecuniary, other registrable or non-registrable interest in respect of matters contained in the agenda.
Minutes: There were no declarations of disclosable pecuniary, other registrable or non-registrable interests. |
Public participation Minutes: There was no public participation. |
Planning Applications under the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 PDF 60 KB Report of the Director of Economic Development and Planning – copy enclosed |
3/2024/0274 - Langho Sports and Social Club Dewhurst Road Langho BB6 8AF PDF 202 KB Minutes: Mr M Dawson spoke in support of the application.
GRANT advertisement consent with the following conditions:
1. Unless explicitly required by condition within this consent, the development hereby permitted shall be retained in complete accordance with the proposals as detailed on drawings:
1034220 Conkers Nursery Signage (signs 9 -13) Location Plan 03-May-2025 Proposed Site Plan (untitled) showing the location of the 7 signs
REASON: For the avoidance of doubt and to clarify which plans are relevant to the consent hereby approved.
2. The advertisements hereby permitted shall be non-illuminated at all times.
REASON: In the interests of amenity.
3. The advertisements hereby permitted shall be removed from the site on or before 9th June 2028 and the site restored to its former condition to the full satisfaction of the Local Planning Authority unless a further advertisement consent has been expressly granted by the Authority.
REASON: In the interests of amenity.
INFORMATIVE: The applicant is reminded that in addition to the conditions stipulated above, the advertisements hereby permitted are required to comply with the five standard conditions in Schedule 2 of the Town and Country Planning (Control of Advertisements) (England) Regulations 2007 which are as follows:-
1. No advertisement is to be displayed without the permission of the owner of the site or any other person with an interest in the site entitled to grant permission.
2. No advertisement shall be sited or displayed so as to—
(a) endanger persons using any highway, railway, waterway, dock, harbour or aerodrome (civil or military);
(b) obscure, or hinder the ready interpretation of, any traffic sign, railway signal or aid to navigation by water or air; or
(c) hinder the operation of any device used for the purpose of security or surveillance or for measuring the speed of any vehicle.
3. Any advertisement displayed, and any site used for the display of advertisements, shall be maintained in a condition that does not impair the visual amenity of the site.
4. Any structure or hoarding erected or used principally for the purpose of displaying advertisements shall be maintained in a condition that does not endanger the public.
5. Where an advertisement is required under these Regulations to be removed, the site shall be left in a condition that does not endanger the public or impair visual amenity.
3/2024/0363 - 16-18 Lowergate Clitheroe BB7 1AD PDF 339 KB Minutes: RESOLVED THAT COMMITTEE:
APPROVE planning permission with the following conditions:- 1. The development hereby approved must be begun not later than the expiration of three years beginning with the date of this permission. REASON: Required to be imposed by Section 51 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004. 2. Unless explicitly required by condition within this consent, the development hereby permitted shall be carried out in complete accordance with the proposals as detailed on drawings: Location Plan Proposed Floor Plans: PHA/840 A1.3 10/6/24 Proposed Apartments: PHA/840 A1.4 Proposed Mezzanine Section: PHA/840 A1.4 10/6/24 Proposed Elevations: PHA/840 A1.5 10/6/24 REASON: For the avoidance of doubt and to clarify which plans are relevant to the consent hereby approved.
3. All new and replacement windows and doors shall be constructed in timber, of which the elevational and section details shall have been submitted and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority prior to their installation. The development shall be carried out in strict accordance with the approved details; the approved details shall thereafter be retained in perpetuity REASON: To ensure a satisfactory standard of appearance and to ensure the proposal contributes to the enhancement and protection of the character and visual amenities of the designated Clitheroe Conservation Area. 4. Notwithstanding the details shown upon the approved plans, the proposed roof lights shall be of the Conservation Type, recessed with a flush fitting, details of which shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority prior to installation. The development shall be carried out in strict accordance with the approved details. REASON: In order that the Local Planning Authority may ensure that the detailed design of the proposal does not undermine the character and appearance of the area and that the proposal responds positively to the character of the existing building.
3/2023/0540 - Land at Chapel Hill, Longridge PR3 2YB PDF 349 KB Minutes: Mr F Low spoke in relation to the application.
Defer and Delegate to the Director of Economic Development and Planning for approval following the satisfactory completion of a Legal agreement and subject to the following conditions:
1. This permission shall be implemented in accordance with the proposal as detailed on drawings:
(Plans submitted for 3/2023/0540 Section 73 application)
Original Location Plan 6208 CN-00-706 Revision X Master Site Plan 6208 CN-00-001 Revision R Dated 18.06.24 Tracking Plan GK3409-C-010 Revision C
(Plans submitted for 3/2011/1071 original application)
0010 Site sections 0011 Street Scenes 0016 Details of alterations to existing walls & demolition of existing outbuildings within Conservation Area
HT-P-01 Rev A Proposed plans and elevations Plot 1 HT-P-02 Rev A Proposed plans and elevations Plot 2 HT-P-03 Rev A Proposed plans and elevations Plot 3 HT-P-04 Rev A Proposed elevations Plots 4 & 5 HT-P-05 Rev A Proposed plans Plots 4 & 5 HT-P-06 Rev A Proposed plans and elevations Plot 6 HT-P-07 Rev A Proposed elevations Plots 7 & 8 HT-P-08 Rev A Proposed plans Plots 7 & 8 HT-P-09 Rev A Proposed elevations Plots 9 & 10 HT-P-10 Rev A Proposed plans Plots 9 & 10 HT-P-11 Rev A Proposed elevations Plots 11 & 12 HT-P-12 Rev A Proposed plans Plot 11 & 12 HT-P-13 Rev A Proposed plans and elevations Plots 13-16 HT-P-17 Rev A Proposed elevations Plots 17-19 HT-P-18 Rev A Proposed plans Plots 17-19 HT-P-20 Rev A Proposed plans and elevations Plots 20 & 21 HT-P-21 Rev A Proposed plans Plots 20 & 21 HT-P-22 Rev A Proposed plans and elevations Plots 22 & 23 HT-P-23 Rev A Proposed plans Plots 22 & 23 HT-P-24 Rev A Proposed plans and elevations Plot 24 HT-P-25 Rev A Proposed elevations Plots 25-26 HT-P-26 Rev A Proposed plans Plots 25-26 HT-P-27 Rev A Proposed elevations Plots 27-30 HT-P-28 Rev A Proposed plans Plots 27-30 HT-P-31 Rev A Proposed elevations Plots 31-34 HT-P-32 Rev A Proposed plans Plots 31-34 HT-P-35 Rev A Proposed elevations Plots 35-37 HT-P-36 Rev A Proposed plans Plots 35-37 HT-P-38 Rev A Proposed elevations Plots 38-41 HT-P-39 Rev A Proposed plans Plots 38-41 HT-P-42 Rev A Proposed elevations Plots 42-46 HT-P-43 Rev A Proposed plans Plots 42-46 HT-P-47 Rev A Proposed plans and elevations Plot 47 HT-P-48-01 Rev A Proposed elevations Plot 48 HT-P-48-02 Rev A Proposed plans Plot 48 HT-P-49-01 Rev A Proposed elevations Plot 49 HT-P49-02 Rev A Proposed plans Plot 49 HT-P-50 Rev A Proposed plans and elevations Plot 50 HT-P-51 Rev A Proposed elevations Plots 51-53 HT-P-52 Rev A Proposed plans Plot 51-53 HT-P-54 Rev A Proposed plans and elevations Plot 54 HT-G01 Rev A Proposed plans and elevations Two bay garage HT-G02 Rev A Proposed plans and elevations Three bay garage
REASON: For the avoidance of doubt to clarify which plans are relevant.
2. In respect of the new build dwellings, all walling and roofing materials and window and door surrounds shall be constructed as follows (details submitted and agreed in application 3/2017/0981):
- Walling stones and surrounds: 5 Quintannar Sandstone, originating ... view the full minutes text for item 142c |
Minutes: Members noted the contents of the Appeals report. |
Minutes of Working Groups Minutes: There were no minutes from working groups. |
Reports from representatives on outside bodies Minutes: There were no reports from representatives on outside bodies. |
Exclusion of Press and Public Minutes: RESOLVED: That by virtue of the next item of business being exempt information under Paragraph 2 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972 the press and public be now excluded from the meeting.
POST-GRADUATE DEGREE- PLANNING Report of the Director of Economic Development and Planning enclosed Minutes: The Director of Economic Development and Planning submitted a report seeking authority from Committee to support a part-time (typically 2 year) post-graduate Royal Town Planning Institute (RTPI) Accredited Planning Degree for a member of staff within the Economic Development and Planning (EDP) section of the Council.
Committee were informed that this related to an existing member of staff within the planning team who is interested in progressing a career in planning. Supporting their development would help to encourage their retention.
- £6,450 for the course fees and travel expenses during the 2024/25 financial year.
- £6,450 for the course fees and travel expenses during the 2025/26 financial year.