Agenda and draft minutes

Venue: Council Chamber

Contact: Rebecca Hodgson 01200 414408  Email:

No. Item


Apologies for absence


Apologies for absence from the meeting were received from Councillors L Jameson and S O’Rourke.



To approve the minutes of the previous meeting pdf icon PDF 110 KB


The minutes of the meeting held on 12 November 2024 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.



Declarations of disclosable pecuniary, other registrable and non registrable interests

Members are reminded of their responsibility to declare any disclosable pecuniary, other registrable or non-registrable interest in respect of matters contained in the agenda.



There were no declarations of disclosable pecuniary, other registrable or non-registrable interests.


Councillor S Atkinson (Chairman) declared an interest in Agenda Item 27 – Highmoor Update. 



Public participation


There was no public participation.



Revised Revenue Budget 2024/25 pdf icon PDF 347 KB

Report of the Director of Resources and Deputy Chief Executive enclosed.


The Director of Resources and Deputy Chief Executive submitted a report seeking approval of a revised revenue budget for 2024/25.


Members were reminded that the original estimate for the current financial year was set in March 2024. At this time of year, the Council revised the estimates for the current financial year to predict the likely outturn.


The report noted that:


·         General price increases had continued to fall with CPI in the twelve months to November 2024 being 2.6%.


·         The pay award for 2024/25 had been settled at £1,290 per full time employee up to spinal column point 43 and 2.5% for Heads of Service and Chief Officers. Overall the average increase was 4.14% which was slightly higher than the 4% allowed for.


·         The overall difference between the Revised and Original Estimate was a decrease in net expenditure of £152,950 or a decrease in net expenditure of £163,540 after allowing for transfers to and from earmarked reserves.


Detailed information was provided on the variances.




Agreed the revenue revised estimate for 2024/25.



Original Revenue Budget 2025/26 pdf icon PDF 473 KB

Report of the Director of Resources and Deputy Chief Executive enclosed.


The Director of Resources and Deputy Chief Executive submitted a report outlining the draft revenue budget for 2025/26, for approval by committee and then consideration at Special Policy and Finance committee.


Members were reminded that the budget forecast was presented to Committee in September 2024, which estimated a budget surplus of £307k in 2025/26 followed by budget gaps of £52k in 2026/27 and £214k in 2027/28, after allowing for the use of general fund balances. The report set out:


·         The changes since the September forecast.

·         The provisional local government finance settlement.

·         The budget process and how the estimates were prepared.

·         The draft revenue budget for 2025/26 and the main variations.


The guidance from Policy and Finance Committee to service committees was to manage their services from within their existing budgets, finding savings to fund any growth items where possible. It was also recommended that fees and charges were increased on average by 2.5%.


The difference between the Proposed Original Estimate 2025/26 and Original Estimate 2024/25 was an increase in net expenditure of £91,690 after allowing for transfers to and from earmarked reserves.




Approved the revenue original estimate for 2025/26 and to submit it to the Special Policy and Finance Committee.



Revised Capital Programme 2024/25 pdf icon PDF 231 KB

Report of the Director of Resources and Deputy Chief Executive enclosed.


The Director of Resources and Deputy Chief Executive submitted a report asking committee to approve the 2024/25 revised estimate for this Committee’s capital programme.


Eight schemes totalling £447k had been approved by Special Policy and Finance committee and full Council in February and March 2024 respectively. During the year, slippage of £224k had been approved for six schemes that had not been completed in the 2023/24 financial year. Three ICT schemes had also been merged bringing the total approved budget for 2024/25 for ten capital schemes to £671,600. In addition, following approvals throughout the year, there were eleven UKSPF schemes with a total approved budget of £1,289,290, and twenty REPF schemes with a total approved budget of £667,250.


Progress on each of the capital schemes had been discussed with budget holders, and the capital programme had been revised to reflect progress and the estimated full year expenditure for 2024/25. This resulted in a proposed revised estimate of £280,880k for six schemes, a reduction of £390,720k from the previously approved capital budget, the reasons for which were noted in the report.


At the end of December 2024 £76,458 had been spent or committed, which was 27.2% of the revised capital programme for this Committee.




1.    Approved the 2024/25 revised estimate of £280,880 for this Committee’s revised capital programme as set out in the report, and


2.    Approved the transfer of the following capital budgets from 2024/25 to 2025/26:


2.1 Replacement Air Conditioning Units in Server Room - £10,700

2.2 Replacement of Brookfoot Footbridge, Ribchester - £109,390

2.3 Replacement PCs - £70,600

2.4 Council Offices Mains and LED Lighting Upgrade - £81,620

2.5 Council Offices Solar Panels - £94,410

2.6 Revenues and Benefits Replacement Server - £24,000



Capital Programme Review and New Bids 2025/26 - 2029/30 pdf icon PDF 107 KB

Report of the Director of Resources and Deputy Chief Executive enclosed.


The Director of Resources and Deputy Chief Executive submitted a report asking committee to consider the future capital programme for this committee covering the period 2025/26 to 2029/30.


For this committee there had originally been three schemes approved for the financial years 2025/26 to 2028/29, totalling £302,260. Following a review of these schemes there were no proposed amendments identified.


Three new capital bids for 2029/30 had been put forward totalling £277,200 for this Committee by Heads of Service, for which detailed information was provided.


Members were asked to consider the new scheme bids and any capital bid suggestions or amendments that they wished to make.


It was highlighted at the meeting that the Budget Working Group would carefully consider this Committee’s proposed capital programme alongside the proposed programmes from all other committees and the level of capital financing resources available to the Council to produce the Council’s proposed overall capital programme, for approval at Special Policy and Finance Committee in February 2025.


Councillor S Hore proposed an amendment to add an additional recommendation of a capital bid of £1,610,000 for a Ribble Valley Shared Prosperity Fund/Rural Prosperity Fund. The amendment was seconded by Councillor K Horkin.


A vote was taken and it was




Approved the future capital programme for this Committee’s services for onward recommendation to Special Policy and Finance Committee for the period 2025/26 to 2029/30, based on the proposals included in the report with the addition of a further capital bid of £1,610,000 for a Ribble Valley Shared Prosperity Fund/Rural Prosperity Fund.



Complaints Policy and Unreasonable Actions Policy pdf icon PDF 108 KB

Report of the Chief Executive enclosed.

Additional documents:


The Chief Executive submitted a report requesting approval of proposed changes to the Council’s Complaints Policy along with the implementation of a policy for managing unreasonable actions by complainants.


In February 2024, the Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman (LGSCO) published an updated Complaint Handling Code. The LGSCO did not intend to start considering the Code as part of their processes until April 2026, however, adopting it earlier would give the Council time to incorporate it successfully into its working practices. The Council’s Complaints Policy had been updated to incorporate recommendations set out in the LGSCO Code including amended timescales, options for remedy, governance arrangements, and clarification on complaints about a contractor working on behalf of the Council. The LGSCO had also recently published updated guidance on how the Council should approach unreasonable actions of complainants, therefore a new policy had been drafted in line with the recommendations.


The revised Complaints Policy 2024-2027 and the draft Policy for Managing Unreasonable Actions by Complainants 2024-2027 were included with the report for consideration by Committee.


Members discussed the proposed policies and made some suggestions to Officers. It was proposed and seconded that the policies be brought back to the next standard Committee meeting in order for Committee to further consider the proposed changes and new policy. 




Agreed to defer approval of the updated Complaints Policy 2024-2027 and new Policy for Managing Unreasonable Actions by Complainants 2024-2027 to the next standard Policy and Finance Committee meeting of 1 April 2025 to allow time for further consideration.



Council Offices Solar Panels and Mains and LED Lighting upgrade pdf icon PDF 95 KB

Report of the Director of Community Services enclosed.


The Director of Community Services submitted a report providing Committee with an update on the installation of solar panels at the Council Offices, and to request an additional £11,500 be allocated to the SOLAR budget for the solar panel scheme, and an additional £16,870 to the COMLU budget for the Office mains upgrade scheme, due to both tenders being returned with higher anticipated costs.


In February 2024, Committee had approved a budget of £95,000 for the installation of solar panels (SOLAR). Following advice from an appointed energy consultant, it was estimated that the tendered works would cost £90,850 and voltage optimisation works were expected to cost £15,000. It was also estimated that the work would result in annual savings of £14,230, therefore saving around £177,850 over the projected twenty-year lifespan.


The work would be coordinated with the Mains and LED Lighting Upgrade (COMLU). Following the LED Lighting Upgrade in 2023/24, the available remaining budget for the Mains Upgrade was £89,080 with £7,460 of this commuted to consultants for the design, tender and contract administration. The total estimated costs of the tendered works were £105,950 which left a shortfall of £16,870. The report noted that the Mains Upgrade formed part of Statutory Compliance Works, as regulated by law.


The proposals within the report requested Committee approval of additional budget totalling £28,310 for both schemes, to be funded from the Invest to Save Earmarked Reserve.




1.    Approved the addition of £16,870 to the budget for the Council Offices Mains and LED Lighting Upgrade capital scheme (COMLU), to be financed from the Invest to Save Earmarked Reserve.


2.    Approved the addition of £11,440 to the Council Offices Solar Panels capital scheme (SOLAR), to be financed from the Invest to Save Earmarked Reserve.



Armed Forces Covenant pdf icon PDF 94 KB

Report of the Chief Executive enclosed.

Additional documents:


The Chief Executive submitted a report informing Committee of the Council’s ongoing work under the Armed Forces Covenant and to consider proposed actions in order to demonstrate the Council’s commitment to the Armed Forces.


A briefing note was provided for Committee’s consideration detailing the Royal British Legion’s (RBL) Credit Their Service campaign. The campaign asked for complete clarity and consistency in Council policies stating that military compensation would not be considered as income in assessments for Housing Benefit, Local Council Tax Support, Discretionary Housing Payments (DHP) and Disabled Facilities Grants (DFG). The Council did not currently meet the campaign criteria for DHP and DFG therefore Committee were asked to support the amendment of policies in order to meet the criteria. An updated DHP policy featured later on in the agenda, whereas Health and Housing Committee would need to consider any changes to the DFG Policy.


The report also informed Committee of the Council’s ongoing work towards the silver award for the Defence Employer Recognition Scheme. At the Personnel Committee meeting of 15 January 2025, it was approved that the Council would sign up to Forces Families Jobs (FFJ) and the Career Transition Programme (CTP), along with the development of a Guaranteed Interview Scheme for consideration by Personnel Committee at a future date.


Members were pleased to continue the Council’s support for the Armed Forces Community.




1.     Agreed to support the Royal British Legion’s Credit Their Service Campaign.


2.     Recommended to Health and Housing Committee consideration of DFG Policy amendments, in order to meet the campaign requirements.



Membership of Working Groups and Sub-Committee pdf icon PDF 160 KB

Report of the Chief Executive enclosed.


The Chief Executive submitted a report for Committee to consider the membership of the Working Groups under the remit of this Committee for the remainder of the municipal year 2024/25.


Committee had approved the appointment of Members to the working groups for 2024/25 on 18 June 2024 comprising; Voluntary Organisation Grants Working Group, the Budget Working Group, and UKSPF Working Group. Committee and subsequently Full Council, had also approved the appointment of Members to a Sub-Committee to progress the recruitment of the next Chief Executive.


Following political group changes, the revised membership of the Policy and Finance Committee based on the new political balance had been confirmed at the meeting of the Full Council 10 December 2024. Committee were asked to consider the membership of the working groups and existing Sub-Committee as a result of the changes to Committee membership.


Members were informed at the meeting that the Director of Resources and Deputy Chief Executive intended to retire in the coming months. It was therefore recommended that a Sub-Committee be created to oversee the recruitment and appoint a replacement.




1.   Agreed the revised membership of the Working Groups for the remainder of the municipal year 2024/25 as follows:


Voluntary Organisation Grants – Councillors R Newmark, S Bibby, S O’Rourke, M Graveston, and L Jameson.


Budget Working Group – Councillors S Atkinson, S Hore, S Hirst, M Graveston, J Rogerson, S O’Rourke and M Peplow.


UKSPF - Councillors S Atkinson, S Hore, S Hirst, M Graveston, J Rogerson, S O’Rourke, and M Peplow.


2.     Agreed the membership of the Sub-Committee created to oversee the recruitment of the next CEO be amended to Cllrs S Atkinson, S Hore, J Hill and M Graveston and referred to Council for approval.


3.     Agreed that a Sub-Committee consisting of Cllrs S Atkinson, S Hore, J Hill and M Graveston be created to recruit and appoint a replacement for the Director of Resources & Deputy CEO.



UK Shared Prosperity Fund pdf icon PDF 295 KB

Report of the Director of Economic Development and Planning enclosed.


The Director of Economic Development and Planning submitted a report updating Members in respect of the Council’s UK Shared Prosperity Fund and seeking Committee agreement for progression in respect of specific schemes.


Committee were informed that the UKSPF allocation for Lancashire for 2025-26 totalled £21,748,007, however confirmation of Ribble Valley’s allocation was awaited, for which there would be a new deadline of March 2026.


The report set out the projects that the Council’s UKSPF allocation had been used or earmarked to support to date. Confirmation had been received that the expenditure deadline of 31 March 2025 for UKSPF funding allocated for 2022-2025 remained the same and would not be extended, therefore any unspent funds would have to be returned to MHCLG.


The report provided specific scheme updates on a number of approved schemes. It was noted that £150k had been allocated to the Market Place scheme along with the previously reported £70k underspend to works on Castle Street, however, LCC had updated the Council that the Castle Street scheme was now £30k over budget. Following discussions with LCC, the Market Place scheme would now have to be wholly funded by the Council at an estimated cost of £300k. Committee were asked to consider the increased budget along with the purchase of materials up front if required, which would reduce costs and lead time and require an exemption to the Council’s Contract Procedure Rules. It was noted at the meeting that the bus layby which had been discussed at the last meeting would be retained following consideration by LCC.


Members were also updated on the previously approved scheme to deliver electric vehicle charging points at Barclay Road, Longridge. Given the time constraint due to the UKSPF funding deadline of 31 March 2025, there was insufficient time to seek three quotes and complete the works by the deadline. As Eon had delivered other electric points in the Borough and another Provider would result in incompatibility, it was therefore recommended that Committee consider an exception to the Council’s Procurement Rules that the Longridge charging points be obtained from the same provider.


If all approved UKSPF schemes were completed before the end of March 2025 the overspend against the funding allocation was £67,393, a reduction from the previously estimated £117,513. However, the additional requested budget for the Market Place scheme would increase the overspend to £217,393.


Committee were also updated in regard to the approved REPF schemes to date which would result in an overspend of £229,863, which was slightly less than the previously reported £233,456.


The potential overspend on the UKSPF and REPF schemes totalled £447,256, to be funded from General Fund Balances as approved at the last meeting. Members spoke in support of recommendations and felt that the overspend was well spent.




1.    Agreed to proceed with the resurfacing of Market Place noting the financial unknowns set out in the report and with an increased budget of £300,000.


2.    Agreed with the purchase of the materials up front for  ...  view the full minutes text for item 560.


Corporate Debt Policy pdf icon PDF 348 KB

Report of the Director of Resources and Deputy Chief Executive enclosed.


The Director of Resources and Deputy Chief Executive submitted a report for Committee to agree the Council’s Corporate Debt Policy (CDP).


The Council was required to collect debts across several different departments. These debts could be in relation to a variety of services, ranging from Business Rates, Council Tax and rent for both commercial and residential properties. No amendments were proposed to the Policy, a full copy of which was included with the report.




Approved the Policy attached at Annex 1 to the Report.



Local Council Tax Support Scheme 2025/26 pdf icon PDF 76 KB

Report of the Director of Resources and Deputy Chief Executive enclosed.


The Director of Resources and Deputy Chief Executive submitted a report for Committee to consider the Council’s Local Council Tax Support (LCTS) Scheme for 2024/25 and submit to Full Council for approval by 11 March 2025.


The report noted that the LCTS scheme had replaced Council Tax Benefit in 2013/14 and was now paid as a discount against an individual’s council tax bill rather than a benefit. The Government had replaced the subsidy with a grant payable to Councils for the cost of LCTS, however they had reduced the amount from 100% to 90% and councils had either to absorb the reduction or meet it from reductions in council tax support or elsewhere from within the council tax system. The Council’s scheme was broadly similar to the old Council Tax Benefits scheme but with a 12% reduction in entitlement for claimants of working age. Following a consultation exercise in 2021, a decision was taken to remove the 12% reduction in support, which had resulted in increased LCTS for approximately 1200 households, 600 of which paid no Council Tax in 2022/23.


As part of the budget setting process, Committee were asked to consider adoption of the Local Council Tax Support Scheme for determination at the meeting of the Full Council 4 March 2025. No significant changes to the existing scheme were proposed except for those that would keep it in line with the Housing Benefit Scheme and increase applicable amounts and premiums.




Recommended the approval of the Council’s Local Council Tax Support Scheme for 2025/26 to Full Council.



Revenues Discretionary Discount/Relief Policy pdf icon PDF 333 KB

Report of the Director of Resources and Deputy Chief Executive enclosed.


The Director of Resources and Deputy Chief Executive submitted a report seeking Committee approval of the updated Revenues Discretionary Discount/Relief policy.


Members were reminded that Local Authorities had the power to grant discretionary Council Tax and Business Rates discounts/reliefs. This included the additional support provided to recipients of Local Council Tax Support, the Business Rates Expanded Retail and Nursery Relief/Discounts, the Covid-19 Additional Relief Fund for Business Rates, and the extension of the Support Small Business (SSB) and Transitional Relief schemes. The report noted that:


·         The Non-Domestic Rating Act 2023 made an amendment to Section 47 of the Local Government Finance Act 1988 which prevented the backdating of discretionary rate relief to no more than six months after the end of the financial year, by removing the restriction from the financial year beginning 1 April 2023.


·         The Council had made amendments to the policy to cover the extension of 40% Retail Hospitality and Leisure Relief for 2025/26 and the removal of charitable relief from 1 April 2025 for private schools that previously met the statutory criteria, unless they were “wholly or mainly” concerned with providing full time education to pupils with an Education, Health, and Care Plan.


The full revised Revenues Discretionary Discount/Relief Policy was included with tracked changes for Committee’s consideration.


At the meeting, Members discussed potential measures to reduce the number of empty retail units in town centres. It was suggested that a report be presented to the Economic Development Committee.




1.    Agreed to determine each application for backdating Discretionary Rate Relief on case-by-case merits based on the amended restrictions included in the Non-Domestic Rating Act 2023; and


2.    Agreed the changes to the Revenues Discretionary Discount/Relief Policy for 2025/26.



Review of Discretionary Housing Payment Policy pdf icon PDF 294 KB

Report of the Director of Resources and Deputy Chief Executive enclosed.


The Director of Resources and Deputy Chief Executive submitted a report for Committee to agree an updated Discretionary Housing Payments (DHP) Policy.


DHP’s were administered by the benefits section on behalf of the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) and provided financial assistance (outside of the Housing Benefits and Universal Credit Regulations) to help residents meet their housing costs. The Council’s DHP policy had not been reviewed since 2014 and required amendments in line with the changes made to DWP guidance in May 2022. The policy had also been amended to meet the requirements of the RBL’s Credit Their Service Campaign, for which agreement to support had been approved earlier on the agenda.


The full revised policy was included with the report for Member’s consideration.




Agreed the changes to the Discretionary Housing Payment Policy for 2025/26.



Treasury Management Monitoring 2024/25 pdf icon PDF 466 KB

Report of the Director of Resources and Deputy Chief Executive enclosed.


The Director of Resources submitted a monitoring report for information on the treasury management activities for the period 1 April 2024 to 31 December 2024. This included temporary investments, interest on investments, local government bonds agency, borrowing, borrowing requirements, prudential indicators, approved organisations, recent events and exposure to risk.



Devolution White Paper pdf icon PDF 68 KB

Report of the Chief Executive enclosed.

Additional documents:


Members gave consideration to the report of the Chief Executive providing information on the Devolution White Paper and the Government’s intentions to reform local government.


The report set out the anticipated timeline based on the information to date. There were twenty-one County areas across England facing reorganisation and it remained unclear as to where Lancashire would fit into the Governments plans.


Members discussed the latest information and a number of Members raised concerns.



Elections Update pdf icon PDF 206 KB

Report of the Chief Executive enclosed.


The Chief Executive submitted a report informing Committee of the findings of the Electoral Commission report on the 2024 UK Parliamentary general election and associated elections issues.


The Electoral Commission had made three key recommendations:


·         A review of the design, implementation and use of the Voter Authentication Certificates (VAC) to improve take-up

·         A review of the acceptable forms of Voter ID to improve accessibility for voters

·         That options should be made available for voters who do not or cannot gain any form of Voter ID



Lunch Clubs - Update pdf icon PDF 134 KB

Report of the Director of Economic Development and Planning enclosed.

Additional documents:


The Director of Economic Development and Planning submitted an information report providing an update on lunch clubs.


Ten lunch clubs had received support from the full lunch club grants for the current financial year to date. Twenty-nine lunch clubs had also received support from the Christmas Lunch Grant 2024. To date, £11,500 of the total budget of £13,970 had been allocated for the year 2024-2025.



Revenues and Benefits General Report pdf icon PDF 176 KB

Report of the Director of Resources and Deputy Chief Executive enclosed.



The Director of Resources submitted a report for information on debts outstanding for business rates, council tax and sundry debtors. It also updated members on benefits performance, including benefits processing times and overpayment recovery.



Budget Working Group Minutes 2 September 2024 pdf icon PDF 81 KB


The minutes of the Budget Working Group held on 2 September 2024 were submitted for Committee’s information.



Reports from representatives on outside bodies



There were no reports from representatives on outside bodies.



Exclusion of Press and Public


RESOLVED: That by virtue of the next item of business being exempt information under Paragraphs 2 and 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972 the press and public be now excluded from the meeting.




References from Committees



Reference from Health and Housing Committee - Confirmation of Funding for Homelessness and Rough Sleeping 2025/26

Report of the Director of Resources and Deputy Chief Executive enclosed.


A reference from Health and Housing Committee on 16 January had been added following publication to be discussed under part II of the agenda. The report was circulated to Members at the meeting.


The Director of Resources and Deputy Chief Executive submitted a report to consider a request from Health and Housing Committee for a budget of £34,720 for the continuation of the Homelessness Prevention post on a full-time basis, to be funded from the new government funding for Homelessness and Routh Sleeping in 2025/26.




Approved a budget of £34,720 in the 2025/26 financial year for the continuation of the post of Temporary Part Time Homelessness Prevention Officer for the year from 1 April 2025 to 31 March 2026 on a Full-Time basis.


Councillor S Atkinson (Chairman) left the meeting in respect of the next agenda item, and Councillor S Hore (Vice-Chairman) proceeded as Chairman.



Highmoor Update

Report of the Chief Executive enclosed.


The Chief Executive submitted a report informing Committee of the current position in relation to the proposed lease for the right of access over land at Highmoor Park.


Consideration was given to the report which provided a summary of the updated report of the District Valuer and provided assurance of the Council’s compliance with its duty under Section 123 of the Local Government Act 1972.




1.    Approved the heads of terms as set out in the report, subject to the negotiation of an acceptable lease, option agreement and associated documentation and further consideration of any legislative requirements.


2.    Delegated to the Chief Executive Officer in consultation with the Vice-Chair of the Committee, negotiation and approval of the lease, option agreement and associated documentation.


Councillor S Hore closed the meeting.