Agenda and minutes
Venue: Council Chamber, 13 Church Street, Clitheroe, BB7 2DD
Contact: Jenny Martin
No. | Item | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Prayers Minutes: Canon Woodcock opened the meeting with prayers. |
Apologies for absence Minutes: Apologies for absence from the meeting were received on behalf of Councillor G Hibbert. |
To approve the minutes of the previous meeting Minutes: Subject to amendments reflectling that Cllrs L Street, M Graveston and K Spencer attended, the minutes of the meeting held on 10 October 2023 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman. |
Declarations of disclosable pecuniary, other registrable and non registrable interests Minutes: There were no declarations of disclosable pecuniary, other registrable or non-registrable interests. |
Public participation session Minutes: There was no public participation. |
Mayoral communications Minutes: The Mayor reported on a wide range of events that he had attended since the last meeting, highlighting in particular a very moving visit that he had made to East Lancashire Hospice and reminding Members of the incredible work that the organisation did.
He had been fortunate enough to attend the ordination of Bishop Philip North at Blackburn Cathedral, and had subsequently met with him at several events, where he had noted the Bishop’s real focus on East Lancashire.
The Mayor had attended several events in Wiswell, Whalley and Billington over the Remembrance period, and particularly noted his visit to the war graves at Calderstones Cemetery in Whalley and the service that was held there.
Recently, the Mayor had attended the commemoration of the late Councillor Brian Holden at Mardale playing fields in Longridge. The Mayor felt it was a fitting tribute to a fellow Councillor who had given so much to Longridge and who would have been very proud to see the refurbishment that had taken place.
Finally, the Mayor wished everyone a merry Christmas and a happy New Year. |
Leader's report Minutes: The Leader reported that on Sunday 26 November 2023 he had attended the signing of the Lancashire Devolution deal at Lancaster Castle. District Councils were not formally part of the deal because the government precluded this, but the devolution deal was predominantly about upper tier functions such as adult skills and transport.
The Leader confirmed that the process would involve the creation of a combined County Authority for Lancashire and the members would be Blackburn with Darwen Council, Blackpool Council and Lancashire County Council. However, it was noted that Lancashire Districts would have two non-voting representatives who would be able to vote on areas that affect the districts. He felt the deal could have been better for Ribble Valley but that there were many positives including;
· No Financial Contribution · No Liabilities · Participating in transport & adult skills decisions for the first time · And noted that that it looked like devolution would be achieved before the general election which should help maintain the two-tier system in Lancashire for the immediate future The Leader noted that the Council had been advised in a ministerial teams meeting and policy statement that Councils would continue to receive the New Homes Bonus and the one-off funding guarantee next year. He felt this was a really significant statement and along with the £470,000 business rebate the Council had received from the Museum this would help support the forthcoming year’s revenue budget.
It was noted that the provisional Financial Settlement should be published early next week and the Leader would be report to the next Council Meeting how that affects the revenue budget forecast for next year.
The Leader noted that the Mayor, along with Longridge Mayor Councillor Rogerson and a number of Members had attended the dedication of Mardale playing fields to the late Councillor Brian Holden. The project had been championed by Councillor Holden and had resulted in improvement in car parking, changing rooms and drainage and was the first major project delivered from the UK Shared Prosperity Fund. The Leader noted the Council had promised to make the next major investment in Longridge, which had been done, and further schemes would be delivered, including a £100,000 Investment in the Whalley Grammer School Foundation facilities and, subject to costings, an event space and pump track in Longridge. He noted the Council were also making significant investments in Clitheroe Market and Castle Street.
The Leader reported that the fourth Household Support Grant scheme would by Christmas have delivered £240,000 to help over 700 households. He noted it had been oversubscribed therefore the funds had been allocated in line with the scheme which was on a first come first served basis. The Leader reported that the Office for National Statistics Health Index provided a systematic and independent review of health in England. Ribble Valley continued to be one of the top 10 Healthiest Places in the country. The Health Index was split into three categories, which described health in its broadest terms: · Healthy People, · Healthy Lives and · Healthy ... view the full minutes text for item 528. |
Leader's Question Time Minutes: The Leader of the Opposition, Councillor Stewart Fletcher outlined that the continuing cost of living crisis would inevitably lead to difficult decisions for struggling Ribble Valley families over Christmas. Agencies such as Citizen’s Advice can give helpful guidance and fortunately, as was revealed at a recent PCL meeting, there were ways that we might assist them other than simply financial. He understood that providing a postal address in the Ribble Valley might be helpful and asked whether the Leader had considered approaching Citizen’s Advice to explore this possibility.
The Leader thanked Councillor Fletcher for his question and advised that a postal address at St Mary’s Centre was now being utilised so this issue had now been resolved.
Next Councillor Fletcher noted that as preparations are made to celebrate Christmas and we are particularly thinking about family and our youngsters, he would like to ask the Leader about how best this Council could ensure that the decisions made always consider the well-being of future generations, so that by meeting today’s needs we do not compromise the ability of future generations to meet their own. He noted that his was particularly relevant as COP 28 works on vitally important agreements to keep to a maximum of 1.5C degrees of warming, and there are major concerns in the UK about homelessness and poverty.
Councillor Fletcher stated that in 2015, the Welsh Government passed the Well Being of Future Generations Act, which highlighted the importance of placing future generations at the centre of decisions and ensured they have a voice at policy level. He asked the Leader whether he thought that this Council should consider a similar inspirational approach?
He confirmed that Council’s Corporate Plan was being reviewed and he was sure that the long-term preservation of the Ribble Valley and how we contribute to that would be an important part of the deliberations when Policy & Finance Committee considers that plan.
He also believed and hoped the Council would agree that it was important that all political parties, even those that are newly formed, should be encouraging young people to become involved in local politics to help shape the future of the Ribble Valley.
Councillor Fletcher followed with a supplementary question, asking whether an agenda item would be included at the next Economic Development Committee reflecting this and as to a change of name to Climate Change.
The Leader felt that this matter should be considered at a Working Group initially, to which Councillor Fletcher advised that it had already been raised in this forum.
Councillor Fletcher noted the financial assistance received from the Borough towards Christmas lighting represented only a tiny fraction of the expense incurred by the major ... view the full minutes text for item 529. |
Changes to Committee Arrangements 2023/24 Report of the Chief Executive enclosed Additional documents: Minutes: The Chief Executive submitted a report revising the Council’s current committee arrangements following a review of the political balance calculation.
The proposed changes were listed in the report along with the full proposed revised Committee Membership. However, an amendment was approved to reflect that Councillor D Brocklehurst would sit on Personnel Committee instead of Councillor L Jameson.
That the Council approve the changes to the membership of Committees with the Committee Membership now as follows:
PARISH COUNCIL LIAISON (13) CHAIR - Parish Cllr Martin Highton
To receive and consider, where appropriate, the minutes of the committees since the last meeting (items marked *** are referred to Council for decision).
Additional documents:
Minutes: 1. Community Services – 17 October 2023 2. Planning & Development – 19 October 2023 3. Personnel – 25 October 2023 4. Health & Housing – 26 October 2023 5. Licensing Sub – 27 October 2023 6. Licensing – 31 October 2023 7. Economic Development – 2 November 2023 8. Policy & Finance – 7 November 2023 9. Parish Council Liaison – 9 November 2023 10. Licensing Sub – 16 November 2023 11. Accounts & Audit – 22 November 2023 12. Planning & Development – 7 December 2023
That the minutes of the above committees be received.
Exclusion of press and public Minutes: There were no items under this heading |