Agenda and draft minutes
Contact: Jenny Martin
No. | Item |
Welcome |
Apologies and re-constitution of the Committee membership Minutes: There were no apologies for absence received. |
Declarations of disclosable pecuniary, other registrable and non registrable interests Minutes: There were no declarations of disclosable pecuniary, or other registrable and non-registrable interests. |
Application to vary Premises Licence - Spread Eagle Hotel Sawley PDF 9 MB Report of the Head of Legal and Democratic Services enclosed Minutes: The Sub-Committee met to consider the application by Individual Inns 2 Limited to vary the premises licence in respect of the Spread Eagle Hotel, Sawley, Clitheroe BB7 4NH.
Prior to the Sub-Committee convening, a period of time was allowed for the applicant and the objectors to enter into discussions, in the hope that a mutual agreement could be put forward. Unfortunately, these discussions were not successful.
The Sub-Committee considered the contents of the report of the Head of Legal and Democratic Services and its appendices.
The Council’s Solicitor introduced the premises licence application and the options available to Members.
The applicant’s representative, Mrs Gill Sherratt, made verbal representations to the Sub-Committee. She provided background information as to the applicant and the premises before outlining that the variations sought were largely a housekeeping and modernising exercise to ensure that the licence remained fit for purpose.
New floor plans had been submitted for approval, and whilst there were no changes to the layout or the licensed area, it was felt that the new plans were more comprehensive.
A variation to the licence was sought to include late night refreshment from 11pm to 1am.
Ms Sherratt outlined the premise licence conditions that the applicant was seeking to alter. They were seeking for conditions one and fourteen to be removed as these were felt to be redundant. With regards to condition ten, it was submitted that it should be removed as the licence was not in place to regulate fireworks.
It was submitted that an update to condition nine (as per appendix D) was being sought to add more detail and to make it clearer to enforcement officers. It was noted that the Council’s Environmental Health department were content with the proposed amendment.
It was argued that condition thirteen should be removed as it would prevent customers in the restaurant from taking an opened bottle of wine away with them if they had not finished it with their meal. It was further submitted that it would have a detrimental effect on weddings at the premises if guests could not have photographs/toasts with champagne at nearby scenic areas.
The Area Manager of the applicant, Simon Taylor, gave brief verbal representations, assuring the Sub-Committee that the applicant wanted the hotel to be a good employer and a good neighbour. He accepted that there had been a few issues in April 2023, but the staff had been very reactive to these. They had increased surveillance of the outside areas and continued to monitor the situation.
The applicant’s representative responded to several questions raised by the Sub-Committee, particularly regarding CCTV at the premises, general security and safety concerns and offering clarification on various aspects of the application. She stated that a condition requiring retention and production of CCTV images would be acceptable, including coverage of the beer garden if not already in place.
The objectors, Mr and Mrs Gregory made verbal representations to the Sub-Committee. Mr Gregory outlined his concern as to the noise levels in ... view the full minutes text for item 328. |
Exclusion of Press and Public There are no items under this heading. Minutes: There were no items under this heading. |