Agenda item

Planning Application 3/2021/1004 - 1 - 7 George Street, Whalley


The Head of Planning Services informed committee that an additional condition would be added to protect the privacy of the dwellings to the rear.


RESOLVED that the application be approved subject to the following conditions and notes:


1.         The development must be begun not later than the expiration of three years beginning with the date of this permission.


            REASON: Required to be imposed by Section 51 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004.


2.         Unless explicitly required by condition within this consent, the development hereby permitted shall be carried out in complete accordance with the proposals as detailed on drawings:


Location Plan

Proposed Site Plan A1.2 20/8/2021

Proposed Elevations A2.2A 26/10/2021

Proposed Ground and First Floor Plans A1.4 20/8/2021

Proposed Mezzanine and Upper Floor Plans A1.5 13/9/2021

Proposed Sections Showing Distances to Church Lane Properties A3.2 13/9/2021

Solar PV Location Section A3.3 12/10/2021



            REASON: For the avoidance of doubt and to clarify which plans are relevant to the consent.


3.         Notwithstanding that submitted, precise specifications and samples of proposed wall, roof, window, door, rooflight and solar panel materials shall have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority before their use in the proposed works. The development thereafter shall be implemented in accordance with the approved details.


            REASON: In order to ensure acceptable materials.


4.         Precise specifications (including cross-section drawings) of proposed new windows, doors, rooflights and solar panels shall have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority before their use in the proposed works. The development thereafter shall be implemented in accordance with the approved details.


            REASON: In order to ensure acceptable windows, doors, rooflights and solar panels.


5.         No building or use hereby permitted shall be occupied or the use commenced until secure cycle stores are provided at the site for use by the occupants of the apartments. The details regarding the cycle stores shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The respective cycle stores shall be retained at all times thereafter.


            Reason: In the interest of providing suitable storage for cycles and sustainable modes of travel.


6.         Notwithstanding that submitted, precise specifications and samples of proposed south elevation glazing (including details of obscure glazing) shall have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority before its use in the proposed works. The development thereafter shall be implemented in accordance with the approved details.


            REASON: To safeguard the residential amenities of adjoining properties on Church Lane.


7.         No development including any demolition works shall take place until the applicant or their agent or successors in title has secured the implementation of a programme of building recording, analysis and reporting work. This must be carried out in accordance with a written scheme of investigation, which shall first have been submitted to and agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The programme of works should comprise the creation of a record of the building to level 3 as set out in "Understanding Historic Buildings" (Historic England 2016). It should include a full description of the buildings, inside and out, drawn plans, elevations and at least one section (which drawings may be derived from checked and corrected architect's drawings), and a full photographic coverage, inside and out. The record should also include a rapid desk-based assessment, putting the building and its features into context. The work must be undertaken by an appropriately qualified and experienced professional contractor to the standards and guidance of the Chartered Institute for Archaeologists. A copy of this record shall be submitted to the Local Planning Authority and the Lancashire Historic Environment Record.


            REASON: To ensure and safeguard the recording and inspection of matters of archaeological/historical importance associated with the site.


8.         No development shall take place until details of an assessment of all significant noise sources likely to affect the proposed development has been submitted in writing to and approved by the Local Planning Authority.


            The noise report shall:


a)         Determine the existing noise climate including from existing commercial premises and from plant noise forming part of the development

b)         Predict the noise climate in bedrooms (night-time) and other habitable rooms of the development (day-time)

c)         Detail the proposed attenuation/design necessary to protect the amenity of the occupants of the proposed dwellings. If the noise attenuation measures include windows being kept closed, then details of alternative ventilation over background ventilation will be required.


            This assessment shall demonstrate that the following standards are met within the proposed development.


LAeq 50-55dB 16 hours – outside living areas (for example balconies where appropriate)

LAeq 35dB 16 hours – indoors daytime (08.00-23.00)

LAeq 30dB 8 hours – indoors night-time (23.00-07.00)

LAFmax 45dB 8 hours – indoors night-time (23.00-07.00)

LAFmax 45dB 4 hours – indoors evening (19.00-23.00)*


            * The evening standard LAFmax will only apply where the existing evening LAFmax significantly exceeds the LAeq and the maximum levels reached regular occur, for example several times per hour.


            The assessment shall be carried out for the most sensitive hours.


            REASON: To safeguard residential amenities.


9.         Before the development is first brought into use all works which form part of the sound attenuation scheme as specified in the agreed noise report shall be completed and written evidence to demonstrate that the specified noise levels have been achieved shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.


            If it cannot be demonstrated that the noise levels specified in the agreed noise report have been achieved, then a further scheme shall be submitted for the written approval of the Local Planning Authority incorporating further measures to achieve those noise levels. All works comprised within those further measures shall be completed and written evidence to demonstrate that the aforementioned noise levels have been achieved shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority before the development is first brought into use.


            REASON: To safeguard residential amenities.


10.       Before the development is first brought into use, an assessment of the sources of potential odour that might be detrimental to the amenity of future occupants of the proposed development, in particular from activities in nearby commercial properties from cooking and extract ventilation systems, shall have been submitted in writing to and approved by the Local Planning Authority.


            The assessment will detail the odour sources and demonstrate how the amenity of future occupants of the proposed development will be protected from these odour sources. Any necessary mitigation measures shall thereafter be implemented as part of the development and retained in perpetuity thereafter.


            REASON: To safeguard residential amenities.


11.       Prior to the first occupation each dwelling shall have an electric vehicle charging point. Charge points must have a minimum power rating output of 7kW, be fitted with a universal socket that can charge all types of electric vehicle currently.


            REASON: In the interests of supporting sustainable travel.


12.       Precise specifications of the proposed re-building of the boundary wall shall have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority before the implementation of this element of the proposed works. The development thereafter shall be implemented in accordance with the approved details.


            REASON: In order to ensure an acceptable development.


13.    Notwithstanding the rear balcony details further plans shall be submitted and agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority incorporating proposals to minimise direct overlooking of the adjacent properties on the rear elevation. The details shall thereafter remain in perpetuity.


           REASON To safeguard residential amenity




It is recommended that the methodology for any noise assessment be submitted in writing to the RVBC Environmental Health Service prior to any assessment taking place.


(Mr S Ronnan spoke in the favour of the above application. Cllrs G Mirfin and M Hindle were given permission to speak on the above application)

Supporting documents: