Agenda item

Planning Application 3/2021/1134 - Land East of Chipping Lane, Longridge


The Head of Planning Services referred to amended plans that had been received.


RESOLVED that Committee defer and delegate their approval to the Director of Economic Development and Planningsubject to resolution of all objections from the Lancashire Local Lead Flood Authority, resolution of all matters concerning the affordable housing scheme offer and completion of a legal agreement to tie in the existing S106 obligations to 3/2021/1134 and the following conditions:


1.            The development hereby permitted shall be commenced before the expiration of three years from the date of this permission.


REASON:  Required to be imposed pursuant to Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 as amended by Section 51 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004. 


2.    Unless explicitly required by condition within this consent, the development hereby permitted shall be carried out in complete accordance with the proposals as detailed on drawings:


Location Plan 459LP06 Received on 1/4/22 Affordable Housing Layout 459-AF06 Rev A received on 1/4/22  Alderney (Det) MS07 Alderney (Det) MS08 Belmont End HBC2 1STE/02 Boundary Layout 459-BT06 Rev B received on 1/4/22  Brandon (End) BBRN 00CE Brandon (Mid) BBRN 5BRI Brandon (Mid) BBRN 00CI Denby (Det-Gable) BDBY 56CD MS03 Denby (Det-Gable) BDBY 5BRD MS00 Denford Classic (End) BDNF 00CE Denford Classic (Mid) BDNF 00CI Denford (End) BDNF 5BRE Ellerton Brick Render (Mid) BLLE 5BRI MS04 Ellerton (End - Gable) BLLE 5BRE MS04 Ellerton Stone (End - Gable) BLLE 5SRE MS04 Kingsville (End) BKIS 5BRE MS00 Kingsville (End) BKIS 00CE Kingsville (Mid) BKIS 5BRI MS00 Moresby Classic (Det) BMMS 00CD Moresby (Det) BMMS 5BRD MS08 Moresby (End) BMMS 5BRE MS07 Moresby (End) BMMS 5SRE MS08 Planning Layout 459-PL06 Rev B received on 1/4/22   Planting Plan. Garage drawing plans  2010/DET/C/135 and 2010/DET/CS/01,  Bird and Bat Box Plan 11319/P08a Received on 1/4/22, Materials Layout Plan 459ML06 B Received on 1/4/22 Refuse strategy Layout plan 459 RS06 Revision B received on 1/4/22 Hard landscaping Layout 459HL06 Revision B received on 1/4/22 Storey Heights Layout Plan 459HL06 Revision B received on 1/4/22


REASON : For avoidance of doubt.


3.            The internal estate roads shall be constructed in accordance with LCC specification for estate roads and to at least base course level prior to first occupation of any dwelling,


            REASON: In the interests of highway safety.


4.            Prior to the occupation of each dwelling the driveways and parking areas shall be constructed in a bound porous material and made available for use and maintained for that purpose for as long as the development is occupied.


           REASON: In the interests of highway safety.


5.         Prior to first occupation each dwelling shall have a secure cycle store at a ratio of 1 cycle space per bedroom details of which shall have been provided to and approved in writing by the local planning authority.


            The approved cycle stores shall be retained in perpetuity.


            REASON:  In the interests of supporting sustainable travel.


6.         Prior to the first occupation each dwelling shall have an electric vehicle charging point. Charge points must have a minimum power rating output of 7kW, be fitted with a universal socket that can charge all types of electric vehicle currently.


            REASON:  In the interests of supporting sustainable travel.


7.         This permission shall relate to the proposed locations and specifications for bird and bat boxes submitted 24 February 2022 (Drawing 11319/P08a, February 2022; notwithstanding, the Red Line Boundary shown on this plan).  The bird and bat boxes shall be installed before first occupation of each dwelling.


            REASON:  For the avoidance of doubt as the application was subject to revisions and in the interests of biodiversity and to enhance habitat opportunities for species of conservation concern/protected species.


8.         Prior to the occupation of each dwelling and notwithstanding the proposed Refuse Strategy Layout 459-RS06 Rev A, revised details including plans for those dwellings located on the block paved private driveway, shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority which show (i) areas of hardstanding for receptacles to be left on refuse collection days and (ii) details of the management arrangements to ensure receptacle collection points are left free of receptacles on non-collection days.


REASON: To avoid receptacles being left on the footways.


9.         Notwithstanding the submitted details, precise specifications or samples of all external surfaces, including surfacing materials and their extents, of the development hereby permitted shall have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority before their use in the proposed development.  The approved materials shall be implemented within the development in strict accordance with the approved details.


            REASON:  In order that the Local Planning Authority may ensure that the materials to be used are appropriate to the locality.


10.       The garage(s) hereby approved shall be kept available for the parking of vehicles ancillary to the enjoyment of the household(s) and shall not be used for any use that would preclude the ability for their use for the parking of private motor vehicles, whether or not permitted by the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 2015 or any order amending or revoking and re-enacting that order.


            REASON: To ensure to ensure that adequate parking provision is retained on site that limits the visual impact of the parked motor-vehicle upon the street scene and limits parking upon the highway.


11.       Notwithstanding the submitted details, precise specifications including drawings of proposed detached garages shall have been submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority before their use in the proposed development.  The approved detached garages shall be implemented within the development in strict accordance with the approved details.


            REASON: In the interests of highway safety.


12.       The drainage for the development hereby approved, shall be carried out in accordance with principles set out in the submitted Foul & Surface Water Drainage Design Drawing 459/ED/105, Rev L - Dated 25/10/2021 which was prepared by BARRATT HOMES. No surface water will be permitted to drain directly or indirectly into the public sewer. The development shall be completed in accordance with the approved details.


            REASON: To ensure a satisfactory form of development and to prevent an undue increase in surface water run-off and to reduce the risk of flooding.


13.       No development shall commence (including any earthworks) until details of the means of ensuring the water main/s that is/are laid within the site boundary are protected from damage as a result of the development have been submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority in writing. The details shall include a survey of the exact location of the water main/s and outline the potential impacts on the water main/s from construction activities and the impacts post completion of the development and identify mitigation measures to protect and prevent any damage to the water mains both during construction and post completion of the development. The details shall include a pre and post construction condition survey. Any mitigation measures shall be implemented in full in accordance with the approved details.


            REASON: In the interest of public health and to ensure protection of the public water supply.


14.       Any conditions required by the LLFA.


15.       Notwithstanding the submitted information and before the commencement of development, full details of both hard and soft landscaping works shall have been submitted to and approved by the LPA in writing. For the avoidance of doubt the submitted details shall include:


i)          planting details (including species, numbers, planting distances/densities and plant sizes);

ii)         surfacing including full details of the colour, form and texture of all hard landscaping (ground surfacing materials);

iii)        street furniture;

iv)        boundary treatments;

v)         a programme for the implementation of the landscaping works including all boundary treatments.


            The development shall be implemented in accordance with the approved details.


            REASON: In order to ensure a development which is sympathetic to the character and appearance of the area.


16.       Prior to the commencement of the development details of the proposed finished floor levels, ridge and eaves heights of the buildings hereby approved shall have been submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority. The submitted levels details shall be measured against a fixed datum and shall show the existing and finished ground levels, eaves and ridge heights of surrounding property. The development shall be carried out as approved.


REASON: In order to protect residential amenity and ensure a development which is sympathetic to the character and appearance of the area.




The Lancashire Fire and Rescue Service has provided advice for access for fire appliances and water supplies (firefighting). Recommendations are made to make the applicant aware of conditions which will have to be satisfied on a subsequent Building Regulation application.


United Utilities advise that it is the applicant's responsibility to investigate the possibility of any United Utilities’ assets potentially impacted by their proposals and to demonstrate the exact relationship between any United Utilities' assets and the proposed development.


(Mr S Artiss spoke in favour of the above application)

Supporting documents: