Agenda item

Planning Application 3/2022/0781 - Land North of Ribble Valley Enterprise Business Park, A59, Barrow


RESOLVED that the application be DEFERRED and DELEGATED to the Director of Economic Development and Planning for approval following the satisfactory completion of a Legal Agreement, within 6 months from the date of this Committee meeting or delegated to the Director of Economic Development and Planning in conjunction with the Chairperson and Vice Chairperson of Planning and Development Committee should exceptional circumstances exist beyond the period of 6 months and subject to the following conditions:


1.    Prior to the commencement of development, or the submission of any reserved matters, a plan indicating the phasing of the proposed development shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The development thereafter shall be carried out in accordance with the approved phasing plan.


(a)  Before development is commenced on any one phase of the development details of all 'Reserved Matters' pertaining to that phase namely appearance, layout, scale and landscaping of the site shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.


(b)  An application for approval of all 'Reserved Matters' must be made not later than the expiration three years beginning with the date of this permission.


(c)  The development to which this permission relates must be begun not later than two years from the date of approval of the last of the reserved matters to be approved.


REASON:  This condition is required to be imposed by the provisions of Section 92 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990as amended by Section 51 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004.


2.    Unless explicitly required by condition within this consent, the development hereby permitted shall be for upto 23,959m² of commercial employment floorspace and shall be carried out in complete accordance with the proposals as detailed on drawings:   


            Location Plan                                RVI.BBBP.LP.01                                dated 04.08.2022

            Proposed Site Access Plan          3465-F02 Rev A                                 dated APR 22


REASON:  For the avoidance of doubt and to clarify which plans are relevant to the consent hereby approved.


3.    Prior to the submission of any reserved matters applications on the site pursuant to Condition 1 a Design Code shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The Design Code shall include the design principles for the whole of the site and will incorporate, amongst other elements:

·         The Masterplan for the site

·         Building Design principles

·         Layout considerations including landscaping principles (evidenced by a Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment) and treatment of the western edge of the site particularly in respect of the suitable use classes for the buildings along this boundary

·         Parking areas

·         Appropriate building and hardsurfacing materials

·         Details of appropriate boundary treatments

·         Lighting

·         Bin storage and rubbish collection

·         Ecology, nature conservation and Biodiversity Net Gain

·         Existing and proposed levels

·         Tree works and tree protection measures


      Each reserved matters application thereafter shall be submitted in accordance with the Approved Design Code.


      REASON: To ensure a comprehensive approach to the development of this site is achieved and in the interests of the proper planning of the site.


4.    As part of the first reserved matters application, pursuant to Condition 1, for the layout of each phase the following details shall be submitted:

·         Noise assessment

·         Air Quality Assessment


      The development thereafter shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details including any necessary mitigation identified.


      REASON: In the interests of the proper and comprehensive planning of the site to create a high quality sustainable development.


5.    The development permitted by this planning permission shall be carried out in accordance with the principles set out within the site-specific flood risk assessment (9th August 2022 / PGC 268 Version 4 / PG Consulting)


      The measures shall be fully implemented prior to first occupation of any of the units hereby approved and in accordance with the timing / phasing arrangements embodied within the scheme.


      REASON: To ensure satisfactory sustainable drainage facilities are provided to serve the site in accordance with the Paragraphs 166 and 168 of the National Planning Policy Framework, Planning Practice Guidance and Defra Technical Standards for Sustainable Drainage Systems.


6.    As part of the first reserved matters application a detailed, final surface water sustainable drainage strategy for the site shall be submitted.


The detailed sustainable drainage strategy shall be based upon the site-specific

flood risk assessment and indicative sustainable drainage strategy submitted and

sustainable drainage principles and requirements set out in the National Planning

Policy Framework, Planning Practice Guidance and Defra Technical Standards for

Sustainable Drainage Systems and no surface water shall be allowed to discharge to

the public foul sewer(s), directly or indirectly.


Those details shall include, as a minimum:

a) Sustainable drainage calculations for peak flow control and volume control for the:

i. 100% (1 in 1-year) annual exceedance probability event;

ii. 3.3% (1 in 30-year) annual exceedance probability event + 40%climate change allowance, with an allowance for urban creep;

iii. 1% (1 in 100-year) annual exceedance probability event + 50%climate change allowance, with an allowance for urban creep


Calculations must be provided for the whole site, including all existing and proposed surface water drainage systems.


b) Final sustainable drainage plans appropriately labelled to include, as a minimum:

i. Site plan showing all permeable and impermeable areas that contribute to the drainage network either directly or indirectly, including surface water flows from outside the curtilage as necessary;

ii. Sustainable drainage system layout showing all pipe and structure references, dimensions and design levels; to include all existing and proposed surface water drainage systems up to and including the final outfall;

iii. Details of all sustainable drainage components, including landscape drawings showing topography and slope gradient as appropriate;

iv. Drainage plan showing flood water exceedance routes in accordance with Defra Technical Standards for Sustainable Drainage Systems;

v. Finished Floor Levels (FFL) in AOD with adjacent ground levels for all sides of each building and connecting cover levels to confirm minimum 150 mm+ difference for FFL;

vi. Details of proposals to collect and mitigate surface water runoff from the development boundary;

vii. Measures taken to manage the quality of the surface water runoff to prevent pollution, protect groundwater and surface waters, and delivers suitably clean water to sustainable drainage components;


c) Evidence of an assessment of the site conditions to include site investigation and test results to confirm infiltrations rates and groundwater levels in accordance with BRE 365.


d) Evidence of an assessment of the existing on-site watercourses to be used, to confirm that these systems are in sufficient condition and have sufficient capacity to accept surface water runoff generated from the development.


e) Evidence that a free-flowing outfall can be achieved. If this is not possible, evidence of a surcharged outfall applied to the sustainable drainage calculations will be required.


f) Evidence of an agreement in principle with the third party landowners to connect to the off site surface water body.


      The sustainable drainage strategy shall be implemented in accordance with the approved details.


      REASON: To ensure satisfactory sustainable drainage facilities are provided to serve the site in accordance with the Paragraphs 167 and 169 of the National Planning Policy Framework, Planning Practice Guidance and Defra Technical Standards for Sustainable Drainage Systems.


7.    As part of the first reserved matters application a Construction Surface Water Management Plan shall be submitted detailing how surface water and stormwater will be managed on the site during construction, including demolition and site clearance operations.


The details of the plan to be submitted for approval shall include for each phase, as a minimum:

a) Measures taken to ensure surface water flows are retained on-site during the construction phase(s), including temporary drainage systems, and, if surface water flows are to be discharged, they are done so at a restricted rate that must not exceed the equivalent greenfield runoff rate from the site.

b) Measures taken to prevent siltation and pollutants from the site into any receiving groundwater and/or surface waters, including watercourses, with reference to published guidance.


The plan shall be implemented and thereafter managed and maintained in accordance with the approved plan for the duration of construction.


REASON: To ensure the development is served by satisfactory arrangements for the disposal of surface water during each construction phase(s) so it does not pose an undue surface water flood risk on-site or elsewhere during any construction phase in accordance with Paragraph 167 of the National Planning Policy Framework.


8.    The commencement of use of the development shall not be permitted until a site specific Operation and Maintenance Manual for the lifetime of the development, pertaining to the surface water drainage system and prepared by a suitably competent person, has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.


The details of the manual to be submitted for approval shall include, as a minimum:

a) A timetable for its implementation;

b) Details of SuDS components and connecting drainage structures, including watercourses and their ownership, and maintenance, operational and access requirement for each component;

c) Pro-forma to allow the recording of each inspection and maintenance activity, as well as allowing any faults to be recorded and actions taken to rectify issues;

d) The arrangements for adoption by any public body or statutory undertaker, or any other arrangements to secure the operation of the sustainable drainage scheme in perpetuity;

e) Details of financial management including arrangements for the replacement of major components at the end of the manufacturer's recommended design life;

f) Details of whom to contact if pollution is seen in the system or if it is not working correctly; and

g) Means of access for maintenance and easements.


      Thereafter the drainage system shall be retained, managed, and maintained in accordance with the approved details.


      REASON: To ensure that surface water flood risks from development to the future users of the land and neighbouring land are minimised, together with those risks to controlled waters, property, and ecological systems, and to ensure that the sustainable drainage system is subsequently maintained pursuant to the requirements of Paragraph 169 of the National Planning Policy Framework.


9.    The commencement of use of the development shall not be permitted until a site specific verification report, pertaining to the surface water sustainable drainage system, and prepared by a suitably competent person, has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.


The verification report must, as a minimum, demonstrate that the surface water sustainable drainage system has been constructed in accordance with the approved drawing(s) (or detail any minor variations) and is fit for purpose. The report shall contain information and evidence, including photographs, of details and locations (including national grid references) of critical drainage infrastructure (including inlets, outlets, and control structures) and full as-built drawings. The scheme shall thereafter be maintained in perpetuity.


REASON: To ensure that surface water flood risks from development to the future users of the land and neighbouring land are minimised, together with those risks to controlled waters, property, and ecological systems, and to ensure that the development as constructed is compliant with the requirements of Paragraphs 167 and 169 of the National Planning Policy Framework.


10.  Prior to the commencement of the development or as part of the first reserved matters application for each phase details of the colour, form and texture of all hard ground- surfacing materials (notwithstanding any such detail shown on previously submitted plans and specification) shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The development shall only be carried out in conformity with the approved details.


REASON: To ensure a satisfactory form of development in the interest of the visual amenity of the area


11.The application for approval of reserved matters for each phase shall be accompanied by full details of existing and proposed ground levels and proposed building finished floor levels (all relative to ground levels adjoining the site), notwithstanding any such detail shown on previously submitted plan(s).  The development shall only be carried out in conformity with the approved details.


      REASON:  To protect the appearance of the locality and in the interests of the amenities of local residents.


12.As part of the first reserved matters application for landscaping and/ or layout a landscape and biodiversity plan shall be submitted. The scheme should include a landscaping/habitat creation and management plan which should aim to contribute to targets specified in the UK and Lancashire Biodiversity Action Plans. Landscaping proposals should comprise only native plant communities appropriate to the natural area. The landscaping shall include:


·         Full details of Biodiversity Net Gain on the site

·         Soft landscaping should include the provision of native and non-native flowering perennial species, to provide a pollen and nectar source for invertebrates.

·         Trees planting of native species where practically possible.

·         ‘Hedgehog holes’ to be incorporated into the fencing of the site.

·         all existing trees and hedgerows on the land; detail any to be retained, together with measures for their protection in the course of development;

·         indicate the types and numbers of trees and shrubs to be planted, their distribution on site, those areas to be seeded,

·         paved or hard landscaped; and

·         detail any changes of ground level or landform, proposed finished levels, means of enclosure, minor artefacts and structures.


        All hard and soft landscape works shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details within the first planting and seeding seasons following the occupation of any buildings or the completion of the development, whichever is the sooner, and any trees or plants which within a period of 10 years from the completion of the development die, are removed or become seriously damaged or diseased shall be replaced in the next planting season with others of similar size and species.


        REASON: To ensure that a satisfactory landscaping scheme for the development is carried out to mitigate the impact of the development and secure a high quality design.


13    No development shall take place until details of the provisions to be made for building dependent species of conservation concern, artificial bird nesting boxes and artificial bat roosting sites for that phase have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.


The details shall be submitted on a building dependent bird/bat species development site plan and include details of plot numbers and the numbers of artificial bird nesting boxes and artificial bat roosting site per individual building and type. The details shall also identify the actual wall and roof elevations into which the above provisions shall be incorporated. 


The artificial bird/bat boxes shall be incorporated into those individual buildings during the actual construction of those individual buildings identified on the submitted plan before each such building is first brought into use.


REASON: In the interests of biodiversity and to enhance nesting/roosting opportunities for species of conservation concern and reduce the impact of development


14.   During the construction period, all trees to be retained shall be protected in accordance with British Standard BS 5837:2012 or any subsequent amendment to the British Standard


REASON: To safeguard the trees to be retained



15.  For the full period of construction facilities shall be available on site for the cleaning of the wheels of vehicles leaving the site and such equipment shall be used as necessary to prevent mud, stones and debris being carried onto the highway. Provision to sweep the surrounding highway network by mechanical means will be available and the roads adjacent to the site shall be mechanically swept as required during the full construction period.


REASON: To prevent stones, mud and debris being carried onto the public highway to the detriment of road safety.


16.  All of the buildings hereby approved shall be used only for industrial/ employment purposes (Use Classes B2/B8/ E(g)(iii) and for no other purpose whatsoever, (including any other purpose in Class E of the schedule to the Town and Country Planning (Use Classes) Order 1987 or any subsequent re-enactment).


REASON:  to define the permission acknowledging the allocated land designation in respect of this site.


17.  No development shall take place, including any works of demolition or site clearance, until a Construction Management Plan (CMP) or Construction Method Statement (CMS) has been submitted to, and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The approved plan / statement shall provide:

·         24 Hour emergency contact number;

·         Details of the parking of vehicles of site operatives and visitors;

·         Details of loading and unloading of plant and materials;

·         Arrangements for turning of vehicles within the site;

·         Swept path analysis showing access for the largest vehicles regularly accessing the site and measures to ensure adequate space is available and maintained, including any necessary temporary traffic management measures;

·         Measures to protect vulnerable road users (pedestrians and cyclists);

·         The erection and maintenance of security hoarding including decorative displays and facilities for public viewing, where appropriate;

·         Measures to deal with dirt, debris, mud or loose material deposited on the highway as a result of construction;

·         Measures to control the emission of dust and dirt during construction;

·         Details of a scheme for recycling/disposing of waste resulting from demolition and construction works;

·         Construction vehicle routing;

·         Delivery hours.


      The approved Construction Management Plan or Construction Method Statement shall be adhered to throughout the construction period for the development.


      REASON: In the interests of the safe operation of the adopted highway during the demolition and construction phases.


18.  No development shall commence until a scheme including full engineering, drainage, street lighting and constructional details and timetable of implementation for the temporary construction site access, new roundabout on A59 and off-site highway works shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.


The works shall include the following and be implemented prior to the first occupation of any building. The off-site highway works shall include:

·         A new 50m ICD roundabout designed to current DMRB standards (currently CD116) at the site access on A59.

·         A reduction in the speed limit on the A59 from national speed limit to 40mph to tie into the speed limit changes and off-site highway works at Pendle Fisheries.

·         Widen the existing footway on Whalley Road C549 to create a 3m wide shared pedestrian/cycle route between Elbow Wood Drive and Barrow Primary School.

·         Upgrade of nearest bus stops on Holm Road and Whalley Road to quality bus stop standard with bus shelters.

·         Diversion of and upgrade of public footpath 3-47-FP1 to link pedestrians and cyclists from the development site to Whalley Road and Holm Road via A59.


      REASON: to ensure the continued safe operation of the highways


19.  No part of the development shall commence until a Framework Travel Plan has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The plan shall be implemented in accordance with the agreed timetable within the approved Plan.


      REASON: In the interest of promoting sustainable transport


20.  No development shall take place until a road phasing and completion plan has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.


      The road phasing and completion plan shall set out the development phases and completion sequence that roads serving each phase of the development will be completed. The development shall then be carried out in accordance with the approved road phasing and completion plan.


      REASON: To ensure the phasing and completion of roads serving the development are completed


21.  Within 3 months of commencement of the development details of the proposed arrangements for future management and maintenance of the roads within the development shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.


The streets shall thereafter be maintained in accordance with the approved management and maintenance details until such time a private management and maintenance company has been established.


 Reason: To ensure the internal roads are appropriately managed and maintained


22.  Within 3 months of commencement of the development full engineering, drainage, street lighting and constructional details to adoptable standards (LCC specification) of the internal roads shall have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.


The development shall, thereafter, be constructed in accordance with the approved details with the roads completed prior to the occupation of the buildings which they serve.


REASON: To ensure the roads serving the development are constructed and completed to an appropriate standard.


23.  No part of the development in each phase shall be occupied until the internal access roads within that phase have been constructed to at least base course level.


      REASON: To enable suitable access to the parts of the site under construction.


24.  No part of the development shall be occupied until the pedestrian links and public footpath crossing the site have been upgraded to adoptable standards.


REASON: to ensure that staff accessing the site have access options which support sustainability


25.  As part of the first reserved matters application relating to layout details of a scheme to accommodate a minimum of 7 HGV lay over bays within the site for public use with associated signs and markings shall be submitted to and approved in writing the Local Planning Authority.


These shall be constructed in accordance with the approved details and made available for use prior to the first occupation of any of the buildings hereby approved.


REASON: to mitigate for the loss of the existing HGV parking on the A59


26.  As part of the first reserved matters application for each phase of the development full details of the car, secure covered cycle, motorcycle and electric vehicle charging point parking spaces shall be submitted to the Local Planning Authority.


      The parking shall be implemented prior to the first occupation of any building to which it is associated and maintained thereafter for as long as the development is occupied.


      REASON: to ensure that sufficient parking is provided for each building constructed.


27.  No development shall take place until the applicant, or their agent or successors in title, has secured the implementation of a programme of archaeological investigation. This must be carried out in accordance with a written scheme of investigation, which shall first have been submitted to and agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The programme of works should comprise a phased programme beginning with a geophysical survey with further phases of evaluation and mitigation works as indicated by the results of the previous phase. This work should be undertaken by an appropriately qualified and experienced professional contractor to the standards and guidance of the Chartered Institute for Archaeologists ( A digital copy of the report and the photographs shall be placed in the Lancashire Historic Environment Record prior to the dwelling consented being first occupied.


REASON: To ensure and safeguard the recording and inspection of matters of archaeological/historical importance associated with the buildings/site.


28.  No removal of vegetation including trees or hedges shall be undertaken within the nesting bird season (1st March - 31st August inclusive) unless a pre-clearance check on the day of removal, by a licenced ecologist, confirms the absence of nesting birds. A letter from the ecologist confirming the absence of nesting birds shall be submitted to the Council within one month of the pre-clearance check being undertaken. 


Any removal of vegetation outside the nesting bird season shall be preceded by a pre-clearance check by a licensed ecologist on the day of removal to ensure that removal does not result in unacceptable impacts upon nesting birds or other species of conservation concern.   


REASON:  To ensure that there are no adverse effects on the favourable conservation status of birds, to protect the bird population and species of importance or conservation concern from the potential impacts of the development.


30.Prior to the commencement of each phase of the development an assessment of the likely impact of the development on air quality shall be carried out and submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The assessment should consider the impact the proposed development will have in terms of the air quality objectives described in the Clean Air Strategy.


The development thereafter shall be carried out in accordance with any identified mitigation measures within the assessment


REASON: to ensure that the development does not adversely impact on air quality through increased pollution


31.Prior to the commencement of each phase of the development a lighting scheme for the development shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The scheme shall demonstrate that no light nuisance from the industrial premises will affect the surrounding residential properties. The development thereafter shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details.


REASON: To ensure residents of the domestic dwellings in the development are protected from light nuisance. The lighting scheme should comply with the Institution of Lighting Professionals Guidance Note for the reduction of obtrusive light Guidance note 01/21


32.Prior to the commencement of each phase of the development full details of measures to prevent nuisance being caused to residents from smoke and fumes arising from the building works shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The approved measures shall be retained for the duration of the construction period. There shall be no burning on site of construction waste.


REASON: In the interest of residential amenity in accordance with the provisions


33.Construction deliveries to and from the site and construction works, shall be restricted to between 0800 and 1800hrs Monday to Friday, 0900 to 1300hrs on Saturdays, and shall not take place on Sundays and Bank Holidays. All works will be undertaken in accordance with BS5228:2009


REASON: in the interests of highway safety and neighbour amenity


34.Prior to the commencement of each phase of the development, a Dust management plan shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The Dust Management plan shall identify all areas of the site and the site operations where dust may be generated and further identify control measures to ensure that dust does not travel beyond the site boundary. The identified measures shall thereafter be implemented as part of the construction phase and maintained at all times in situ. Should any equipment used to control dust fail, the site shall cease all material handling operations immediately until the dust control equipment has been repaired or replaced.


REASON- to protect properties of nearby occupiers from this site.


35.Prior to the first use of each phase of the development, a noise-mitigation scheme shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The scheme shall include measures that will be implemented to ensure that any noise associated with the development does not cause detriment to amenity of local residents or a nuisance, especially to those living and working in the vicinity. Consideration of the following noise sources shall be made on the assessment: Forklift truck movements, noise from deliveries, noise from vehicles visiting the site, any external plant as part of the development, break out sound from the internal use of the buildings, noise from the building fabric and from ventilation and openings in the building fabric. The noise assessment shall provide details of an appropriate layout of the site so that it protects nearby residential properties. The development thereafter shall be constructed and completed in accordance with any agreed measures.


REASON: To protect the amenity of the locality, especially for people living and/or working nearby, in accordance with local planning policy




Note: Construction Management Plan.

·         There must be no reversing into or from the live highway at any time – all vehicles entering the site must do so in a forward gear and turn around in the site before exiting in a forward gear onto the operational public highway.

·         There must be no storage of materials in the public highway at any time.

·         There must be no standing or waiting of machinery or vehicles in the public highway at any time.

·         Vehicles must only access the site using a designated vehicular access point.

·         There must be no machinery operating over the highway at any time, this includes reference to loading/unloading operations – all of which must be managed within the confines of the site.

·         A licence to erect hoardings adjacent to the highway (should they be proposed) may be required. If necessary, this can be obtained via the County Council (as the Highway Authority) by contacting the Council by telephoning 01772 533433 or e-mailing

·         All references to public highway include footway, carriageway and verge




The grant of planning permission will require the applicant to enter into an appropriate Legal Agreement, with the County Council as Highway Authority. The Highway Authority hereby reserves the right to provide the highway works within the highway associated with this proposal. Provision of the highway works includes design, procurement of the work by contract and supervision of the works. The applicant should be advised to contact the contact the Environment Directorate for further information by telephoning the Developer Support Section (Area East) on 0300 123 6780, or email The granting of planning permission does not entitle the closure of or obstruction to a public right of way.


Ordinary Watercourse (Land Drainage) Consent


Under the Land Drainage Act 1991 (as amended by the Flood & Water Management Act 2010),

you need consent from the Lead Local Flood Authority if you want to carry out works within the banks of any ordinary watercourse which may alter or impede the flow of water, regardless of whether the watercourse is culverted or not.


·         Consent must be obtained before starting any works on site. It cannot be issued retrospectively.

·         Sites may be inspected prior to the issuing of consent.

·         Unconsented works within the Highway or Sustainable Drainage System may prevent adoption.

·         Applications to culvert an existing open ordinary watercourse will generally be refused.

·         Enforcement action may be taken against unconsented work.


For the avoidance of doubt, once planning permission has been obtained it does not mean that Ordinary Watercourse Consent will be given. It is strongly advised that you obtain any required consent before or concurrently as you apply for planning permission to avoid delays.


You should contact the Flood Risk Management Team at Lancashire County Council to obtain Ordinary Watercourse Consent. Information on the application process and relevant forms can be found here:


Informative 02 Appropriate Legal Agreement


The proposed outfall may require a legal agreement with a third party to access and construct the outfall in addition to any permission(s) from flood risk management authorities. Evidence of an in-principle agreement(s) should be submitted to the Local Planning Authority.


(Jack Appleton spoke in favour of the above application. Councillor D Birtwistle was given permission to speak on the above application)


Supporting documents: