Agenda item

3/2023/0148 - Land south of Causeway Farm Balderstone

Late agenda item enclosed



The Chair, Councillor S Brunskill left the room and took no part in the vote.  Councillor S Hore was appointed as Chairman for this agenda item.


Ms Vanessa Rowell spoke in support of the application.


Balderstone Parish Councillor, Mr Colin Everett spoke against the application.


Councillor R Walsh was given permission to speak against the application.


It was noted that in the original published report on this item, the response of Balderstone Parish Council was not included.  An apology was given for this omission. It was confirmed that their response had been added into the late item report that had been published.





Refuse planning permission for the following reasons:


1.         The proposed development would result in large scale commercial development outside of a defined settlement boundary which fails to meet any of the exception criteria for allowing development in such locations and which would be dependent on the use of private motor vehicles. The harm that would arise by allowing this inappropriate development in a countryside location would be contrary to Policies DMG1, DMG2 and EC1 of the Ribble Valley Core Strategy 2008 -2028 as well as the National Planning Policy Framework which supports sustainable patterns of development.  There are no material considerations which justify deviating from the Development Plan in this case.


2.         The proposed development, by virtue of its overall scale and footprint, would result in the introduction of an incongruous, unsympathetic, and discordant form of development, of an overtly suburban appearance, particularly when viewed from the A59 approaching the site and Public Footpaths FP0304060, FP0304061, FP0304062, FP0304063 and FP0304064. The loss of over 100m of hedgerow (classed as Habitat of Principle Importance) adjacent to the prominent road frontage together with a further 40m of hedgerow being reduced to 1.5m in order to accommodate the site access and sightlines would result in further environmental harm. The resultant impact fails to protect key landscape features or respond positively to the inherent visual and landscape character of the area contrary to Policies DMG1, DMG2, DME1, DME2 and DMB5 of the Ribble Valley Core Strategy 2008 – 2028.


3.         The proposal fails to demonstrate that appropriate assessments have been carried out to fully assess the impacts upon Great Crested Newts and appropriate mitigation required. As such there is uncertainty over whether a Natural England (protected species) license is required, and in the event that it is required, then it is the Local Planning Authority’s view that it is unlikely to be grated. Therefore, the proposal fails to adequately protect and enhance protected species and habitat contrary to Key Statement EN4 and policy DME3 of the Ribble Valley Core Strategy 2008 -2028 as well as the National Planning Policy Framework.


4.         The proposal fails to demonstrate that the proposed site access arrangements are safe and suitable to serve the development. These highway safety concerns mean the development is contrary to Policy DMG1 of the Ribble Valley Core Strategy 2008 - 2028 as well as the National Planning Policy Framework.



Councillor S Hore stood down as Chairman and Councillor S Brunskill returned to the meeting.


Supporting documents: