Agenda item

UK Shared Prosperity Fund and Rural England Prosperity Fund

Report of the Director of Economic Development and Planning enclosed.


The Director of Economic Development and Planning submitted a report updating Members in respect of the Council’s UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF) and seeking Committee agreement for progression in respect of specific schemes.


The report noted that if all the approved UKSPF schemes were completed by the end of March 2025 this would result in a total overspend of £117,513. The report also provided updates on the REPF schemes which had been completed to date. If all the approved REPF schemes were completed by the end of March 2025 this would result in a total overspend of £233,456.


A number of UKSPF schemes were yet to be completed and were under close review. A contractor had been appointed to the Clitheroe Market Improvements Scheme and the programme of works was included for information. Officers confirmed that the work on the market had commenced.


Discussions were ongoing with LCC in regard to the resurfacing of Market Place in Clitheroe. LCC had indicated that the bus layby may be removed, therefore Members were asked to agree a preferred layout which would be communicated back to LCC, who would make the decision as the Highways Authority. Members discussed the options at length, and different opinions were put forward as part of the discussion. Concerns were raised regarding removing the layby and the effect on the flow of traffic. Other Members supported the removal of the layby following consultation with the Town Council and Chamber of Trade and felt it would improve safety by slowing the traffic in a busy pedestrian area. It was agreed that the third option noted in the report was preferred.


Members were also updated on negotiations for electric vehicle charging points at Edisford car park and Barclay Road Longridge. It was noted that the decision had already been made to support electric charging points with funding from the UKSPF, however the amount of funding was sufficient for only one location at this time. Members were asked to agree if the scheme at Barclay Road should be pursued, noting that ongoing revenue costs would need to be identified. Members agreed to support the implementation of the available chargers at Barclay Road, Longridge.


Councillor D Birtwhistle left the meeting and took no part in the debate or vote for resolutions 1 and 2.


Consideration was given in respect of the updates on Barrow Car Park and Longridge Pump Track and Committee agreed the recommendations as noted in the report.




1.       Note the removal of the electric vehicle charging points from the Barrow car park resurfacing project.


2.       Note the potential for additional costs associated with the Pump Track project (this will be kept under review).


3.       Agree to support layout option 3 for Market Place and delegate authority to the Director of Economic Development and Planning to move forward with the scheme once the layout has been confirmed by LCC.


4.       Agree that Officers should progress with the provision of charging points at Barclay Road Longridge, noting the revenue implications which will need to be considered at budget setting.


5.       Approve the funding of the potential overspend for both UKSPF and REPF from General Fund Balances./ Earmarked reserves


Councillor Birtwhistle returned to the meeting.



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