Issue - decisions

Planning Application 3/2021/0760 - Springwood Drive, Whalley

07/01/2022 - Planning Application 3/2021/0760 - Springwood Drive, Whalley



That the application be deferred and delegated to the Director of Economic Development and Planning for approval following the satisfactory completion of a Legal Agreement, within 3 months from the date of this Committee meeting or delegated to the Director of Economic Development and Planning in conjunction with the Chairperson and Vice Chairperson of Planning and Development Committee should exceptional circumstances exist beyond the period of 3 months and subject to the following conditions:




1.         Unless explicitly required by condition within this consent, the development hereby permitted shall be carried out in complete accordance with the proposals as detailed on drawings:



            Location Plan AA7403-2001 Rev C

            Materials layout AA7403C 2012 Rev F

            Materials schedule AA7403 – 01-13 001

            Site layout AA7403C 2010 Rev F

            Proposed Unit Mix AA7403C 2011 Rev U

            Proposed Boundary layout: AA7403 2015 Rev: C

            Proposed Boundary Treatments: AA7403 2014 Rev: C 


            Supporting Documents

            Wildlife Movement Report

            Bat Roost Assessment

            Bat Emergence Survey

            Breeding Bird Check

            Biodiversity Enhancement

            House Types

            House Type C, D, E and K


            REASON: For the avoidance of doubt and to clarify which plans are relevant to the consent hereby approved.




2.         The materials to be used on the external surfaces of the development hereby approved shall be implemented as per approved on the material schedule re AA7403 – 01-13 001  as follows:


Forticrete Anstone Walling - Olde Heather Black

Forterra Light Buff Brick - Cathedral Cream

Dark Brick - Michelmerch - Blockleys Synthesis S09

Through Coloured White Render

Mid-Grey Windows (Upvc)

Dark Grey Rainwater Goods


            REASON:  In order that the Local Planning Authority may ensure that the materials to be used are appropriate to the locality and respond positively to the inherent character of the area.



Boundary Treatments


3.         The boundary treatments to be used in the development hereby approved shall be implemented as per the approved plans


            REASON:  In order that the Local Planning Authority may ensure that the materials to be used are appropriate to the locality and respond positively to the inherent character of the area.


Landscape and Ecology


4.         Notwithstanding the submitted details, the first dwelling on the site shall not be occupied  until full details of the timings and phasing of the equipping of the public open space provision, play areas and delivery of the trim-trail/cycle-ways have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. 


            For the avoidance of doubt the submitted details shall provide the details of the numbers of dwellings, within a phase, to be constructed/occupied prior to each area of usable public open space becoming fully equipped/available for use.  The provision and equipping of such areas shall thereafter be carried out in strict accordance with the approved details including the agreed timetable for implementation.


            REASON:  To ensure the adequate provision for public open space and play areas is brought forward in an appropriate phased manner to serve occupiers/residents of the development and wider community.


5.         The landscaping proposals hereby approved shall be implemented in the first planting season following occupation or use of the first dwelling, whether in whole or part and shall be maintained thereafter for a period of not less than 10 years to the satisfaction of the Local Planning Authority. 


            All trees/hedgerow shown as being retained within the approved details shall be retained as such in perpetuity.


            REASON: To ensure the proposal is satisfactorily landscaped and trees/hedgerow of landscape/visual amenity value are retained as part of the development.


6.         The provisions for building dependant species shall be implemented in accordance with the approved details as follows:


            REASON: In the interests of biodiversity and to enhance nesting/roosting opportunities for species of conservation concern and to minimise/mitigate the potential impacts upon protected species resultant from the development


7.         During the construction period, all trees as shown to be retained within the submitted Tree and hedgerow Survey Report (August 2018 18-0886.02) shall be protected in accordance with British Standard BS 5837 (2012) or any subsequent amendment to the British Standard.


            All protective fencing shall be in accordance with BS5837 (2012): 'Trees in Relation to Construction' and be erected in its entirety prior to any other operations taking place on the site.  The agreed tree protection shall remain in place and be maintained for the duration of the construction phase of the development.  For the avoidance of doubt no vehicle, plant, temporary building or materials, including raising and or, lowering of ground levels, shall be allowed within the protection areas(s) specified.


            REASON: To protect trees/hedging of landscape and visual amenity value on and adjacent to the site or those likely to be affected by the proposed development hereby approved.


8.         No removal of vegetation including trees or hedges shall be undertaken within the nesting bird season (1st March - 31st August inclusive) unless a pre-clearance check on the day of removal, by a licenced ecologist, confirms the absence of nesting birds.  A letter from the ecologist confirming the absence of nesting birds shall be submitted to the Local Planning Authority within one month of the pre-clearance check being undertaken. 


            REASON:  To ensure that there are no adverse effects on the favourable conservation status of birds, to protect the bird population and species of importance or conservation concern from the potential impacts of the development.


9.         Notwithstanding the submitted details, precise details including a long-term management plan and timings of planting of the landscape buffer margin to the west of plots 143-150 (Proposed Unit Mix Plan AA7403 2011 Rev: R) shall have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority prior to the construction of any of the aforementioned plot numbers.


            The development shall be carried out in strict accordance with the approved details/timings and the approved long-term management plan for the area shall be adhered to for the lifetime of the development.


            REASON: To ensure the proposal is satisfactorily landscaped and appropriate to the locality and to ensure that adequate landscape mitigation is provided at an appropriate stage in development to successfully minimise the impacts of the development upon existing neighbouring occupiers.


10.       No works to or within 5m of the tree identified as having bat roosting potential (Figure 5  - Ecological Appraisal September 2018)  shall be undertaken unless further surveys are undertaken, as specified in section 6.0 of the aforementioned report, have first been submitted to and agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority.

The mitigation measures shall be implemented in accordance with the approved details as follows:


Wildlife Movement Report

Bat Roost Assessment

Bat Emergence Survey

Breeding Bird Check

Biodiversity Enhancement Measures


            REASON: In the interests of biodiversity and to enhance nesting/roosting opportunities for species of conservation concern and to minimise/mitigate the potential impacts upon protected species resultant from the development





11.       The development shall be carried out in strict accordance with the approved Construction Management Plan, Construction and Environmental management Plan Rev: A March 2021


            REASON: To limit the number of access points to the highway network and mitigate the potential negative impacts of construction traffic upon the safe operation of the immediate highway network within Whalley.


12.       There shall be no occupation of any of the approved dwellings within the development hereby permitted until such time as the parking and turning facilities have been implemented in accordance with PRP drawing number Rev H. Thereafter the onsite parking provision shall be so maintained in perpetuity.


            REASON: To ensure that adequate off-street parking provision is made to reduce the possibility of the proposed development leading to on-street parking problems locally, and to enable vehicles to enter and leave the site in a forward direction, in the interests of highway safety.


13.       Prior to the first occupation of any of the dwellings hereby approved, details of electric vehicle charging points for each dwelling shall have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority unless otherwise agreed. These shall be installed prior to the first occupation of each dwelling and thereafter retained as such.


            REASON: To support sustainable transport objectives and contribute to the reduction of harmful carbon emissions.


Water management


14.       There shall be no occupation of any of the approved dwellings within the development hereby permitted, until final details of the design, based on sustainable drainage principles, and implementation of an appropriate surface water sustainable drainage scheme have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.  Those details shall include, as a minimum:


a)   Information about the lifetime of the development, design storm period and intensity, temporary surface water storage facilities, details of the methods employed to delay and control surface water discharged from the site, details of any measures taken to prevent flooding and pollution of the receiving groundwater and/or surface waters, including watercourses, and details of flood levels in AOD;

b)   The drainage strategy should demonstrate that post development surface water run-off from the application site will not exceed a maximum rate of 57.7 L/s. The scheme shall subsequently be implemented in accordance with the approved details before the development is completed;

c)   A site layout plan showing flood water exceedance routes, both on and off site;

d)   A timetable for implementation, including phasing as applicable;

e)   Details of water quality controls, where applicable.

f)    Details of an appropriate management and maintenance plan for the surface water drainage scheme for the lifetime of the development. This should also include details regarding the future management and maintenance of any ordinary watercourses located within or adjacent to the application site.


            The scheme shall be implemented in accordance with the approved details prior to first occupation of any of the approved dwellings, or completion of the development, whichever is the sooner. Thereafter the drainage system and ordinary watercourses shall be retained, managed and maintained in accordance with the approved details.


            REASON:  To ensure that the proposed development can be adequately drained, to ensure that there is no flood risk on or off the site resulting from the proposed development, to ensure that water quality is not detrimentally impacted by the development proposal and to ensure that appropriate maintenance mechanisms are put in place for the lifetime of the development.


15.       Notwithstanding the submitted details, there should be no occupation of the first dwelling until the means of ensuring the water mains that are laid within the site boundary are protected from damage as a result of the development have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority in writing.  The details shall outline the potential impacts on the water mains from construction activities and the impacts post completion of the development on the water mains infrastructure that crosses the site and identify mitigation measures to protect and prevent any damage to the water mains. Any mitigation measures shall be implemented in full in accordance with the approved details.


            REASON: In the interest of public health and to ensure protection of the public water supply.


16.       The drainage for the development hereby approved, shall be carried out in accordance with principles set out in the submitted Foul & Surface Water Drainage Design Drawing D0102, Rev P2 - Dated Aug 18 which was prepared by Civic Engineers. For the avoidance of doubt no surface water will be permitted to drain directly or indirectly into the public sewer.   The development shall be completed in strict accordance with the approved details.


            REASON: To ensure a satisfactory form of development and to prevent an undue increase in surface water run-off and to reduce the risk of flooding.


17.       The development shall be carried out in strict accordance with the approved details of the pumping-station/sub-station and/or all utility-structures/buildings and their precise location as follows:


            APT-ED revision 05


            REASON: In order that the Local Planning Authority may ensure that the detailed design of the proposal is appropriate to the locality and responds appropriately to the character of the area.


(Members queried resuming the provision of paper copies of the plans displayed at Committee which was noted for consideration by the Director of Economic Development and Planning)