Issue - decisions

Reference from Health and Housing Committee – Proposed Revised Landlord Tenant Grant Policy and Introduction of a New Grant for First Time Buyers

05/04/2022 - Reference from Health and Housing Committee – Proposed Revised Landlord Tenant Grant Policy and Introduction of a New Grant for First Time Buyers

The Director of Resources submitted a report asking committee to consider a recommendation from Health and Housing committee in respect of a proposed new First Time Buyers capital grant scheme, utilising resources from the existing Landlord/Tenant grant scheme.


A copy of the report considered by Health and Housing committee was included for members information, that gave details of the proposals to introduce an additional grant scheme available for first time buyers towards improvement of the energy efficiency of the property which includes a wide range of improvements and would be determined by the dwelling’s Energy Performance Certificate.




Approve the request for a new capital scheme budget of £118,370 in respect of a new First Time Buyers capital grant scheme to be enabled by reducing the Landlord/Tenant Grant scheme by this amount.