Issue - decisions

Approval of Audited Statement of Accounts 2021/22

29/11/2022 - Approval of Audited Statement of Accounts 2021/22

The Director of Resources submitted a report asking Committee to formally approve the Statement of Accounts for 2021/22 following completion of the audit.


The Head of Financial Services reminded Members that their role in approving the Statement of Accounts, following the conclusion of the audit, was to demonstrate their ownership of the statements, their confidence in the Director of Resources and the process by which accounting records are maintained and the statements prepared.


He reported that:

·         The deadline for the publication of the draft accounts had been met and the Statement of Accounts (subject to Audit) had been made available on the Council’s website from 29 July 2022.

·         There had been a final outturn surplus of £427,000 during the year compared with the Revised Estimate which showed a surplus of £198,000 and the Original Estimate which showed a deficit of £400,000

·         The Council had added £617,956 to earmarked reserves for revenue purposes and taken £456,429 from earmarked reserves to fund the capital programme.  The overall net movement was £161,527 added to earmarked reserves.

The Chairman thanked the Head of Financial Services and his staff for all their hard work in achieving the closedown of the accounts.


Approve the audited Statement of Accounts for 2021/22.