Issue - decisions

Revised Revenue Budget 2022/23

19/01/2023 - Revised Revenue Budget 2022/23

The Director of Resources submitted a report outlining the revised revenue budget for 2022/23 for this Committee. Members were reminded that at this time of year the estimates are revised for the current financial year in order to predict the likely outturn.  In essence the revised estimate is the Council’s latest forecast for the outturn on the current financial year’s budget.  This also assists in preparing the original estimates for the coming financial year.

The original budget for 2022/23 included provision for pay increase at 2% and price increase at 3%.

The pay award has now been settled at £1,925 per full time employee.  It is estimated that this will add £369,000 to the base budget above what was initially allowed.

The report noted that the Council was facing significant increases in costs due to inflation and pay increases. For this committee the extra cost was estimated at £395,510.  The original estimate was therefore restated from £4,564,200 to £4,959,710.


Agreed the revenue revised estimate for 2022/23.