Agenda and minutes
Venue: Council Chamber, 13 Church Street, Clitheroe, BB7 2DD
Contact: Olwen Heap 01200 414408 Email:
No. | Item |
Apologies for absence Minutes: Apologies for the meeting were received from Councillor M Robinson |
To approve the minutes of the previous meeting PDF 86 KB Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 10 January 2023 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman. |
Declarations of disclosable pecuniary, other registrable and non-registrable interests Members are reminded of their responsibility to declare any disclosable pecuniary, other registrable or non-registrable interest in respect of matters contained in the agenda.
Minutes: Councillor S Atkinson declared an interest in Agenda Item 7 – Grants Report. |
Public participation Minutes: Longridge Town Councillor, L Jameson spoke on agenda item 5 Berry Lane Toilets. He advised that Longridge Town Council welcomes the initiative for Ribble Valley Borough Council to take over the control of the toilets. |
Report of Head of Service, Cultural and Leisure Services enclosed Minutes: The Head of Cultural and Leisure Services submitted a report providing the Committee with an update as to the Berry Lane toilets, and asking the Members to consider further the proposal for Ribble Valley Borough Council to take the provision of these toilets back from Longridge Town Council, who currently operate them.
It was noted that the toilets are currently closed, because they were vandalised leaving them unfit to be opened.
Members were informed that the estimated cost for carrying out the repairs is £6,000 to return them to working condition. Members were then advised that Longridge Town Council had obtained an expert quote of approximately £42,000 to refurbish the toilets to a vandal resistant design.
Members were informed that the estimated additional cost for cleaning the toilets on Berry Lane would be £3,640 per year. No discussion has yet taken place with the existing cleaners to determine if they would be able to increase their working hours to accommodate the Longridge toilets. If not, then a post would need to be created specifically for the Berry Lane toilets.
1. Approved the decision to return the provision of Berry Lane toilets back into the control of Ribble Valley Borough Council from Longridge Town Council.
2. Agreed that a sum of up to £45,000 is required so that the toilets can have a vandal proof design. This sum will be put to Policy and Finance Committee for it’s approval.
3. Agreed that there should be flexibility with regards to the opening times of the toilets and to request Policy and Finance Committee to approve the corresponding revenue budget for cleaning and repairs.
4. Approved the decision that if the toilets were to continue to be vandalised a review of their future should be undertaken.
Edisford Car Park Proposal PDF 63 KB Report of Head of Service, Cultural and Leisure Services enclosed
Minutes: The Head of Cultural and Leisure Services submitted a report providing Members with an update on the issue of parking at Edisford for users of the leisure facilities nearby. The report further asked Members to consider the recommendation from the Car Park working group to allow a one-year trial (from 1st April 2023 until 31st March 2024) allowing users of long stay parking permits to park on Edisford Car Park.
This trial will allow 3 aspects to be monitored:
1. the level of parking along Edisford Road, which ought to reduce if people have access to pay for a pass which allows them to park closer to their chosen facility - this has been raised as a matter of concern from a safety perspective.
2. The impact on the revenue generated by the car park, to see if the take up of the pass impacts on the income generated.
3. To see if attendances at the facilities rise because of making parking at Edisford cheaper for regular users by giving them access to the parking pass, which was an aspect highlighted in the petition as a barrier to use.
Approved the one-year trial of the use of long stay car parking passes on Edisford Car Park.
Report of the Head of Cultural and Leisure Services enclosed Additional documents:
Minutes: Cllr S Atkinson left the meeting and took no part in the vote.
The Head of Cultural and Leisure Services submitted a report to present the recommendations of the working group in relation to the allocation of grants under Recreation/Culture/Arts Development, Individual Sporting Excellence and Individual Arts Excellence.
Endorsed the recommendations of the working group outlined in appendices 1 – 3 of the report.
Cllr S Atkinson returned to the meeting. |
Revenue Monitoring 2022-23 PDF 143 KB Report of Director of Resources
enclosed Minutes: The Director of Resources submitted a report for information on the position for the period April 2022 to January 2023 of this year’s budget for this Committee.
The comparison between actual and budgeted expenditure shows an overspend of £72,996 for the first ten months of the financial year 2022/23. After allowing for transfers to/from earmarked reserves the overspend is £71,469. |
Capital Programme 2023-24 PDF 125 KB Report of Director of Resources
enclosed Minutes: The Director of Resources submitted a report informing Members of the schemes approved for inclusion in this Committee’s 2023/24 capital programme.
This Committee has an approved 2023/24 capital programme of £1,095,750 for fourteen schemes.
Any slippage on schemes in the 2022/23 capital programme will be reported to this Committee. |
Minutes of Working Groups |
Car Park Working Group minutes - 10/02/23 PDF 60 KB Minutes: The Committee noted the minutes of the Car Park working group from 10 February 2023 |
Changing Places Project PDF 76 KB Report of Head of Service, Cultural and Leisure Services enclosed
Minutes: The Head of Cultural and Leisure Services submitted a report to inform Members of the Council’s success in securing funding in relation to the Government’s Changing Places Fund and to ask Policy and Finance Committee to include the scheme in the Council’s budget.
Changing Places toilets are larger accessible toilets designed for severely disabled people, with equipment hoists, curtains, adult sized changing benches and space for carers.
The sites that have been allocated the funding from the grant to improve facilities are Edisford riverbank toilets, Ribchester toilets and Castleford toilets.
The capital sum of £204,000 will be added to the Council’s capital programme for 2023/24 and once completed there will be additional revenue costs associated with he toilet extensions which will be built.
Agreed to ask Policy and Finance Committee to include the Changing Places Scheme in the capital programme and revenue budget for 2023/24.
Ribblesdale Pool Update PDF 119 KB Report of Head of Service, Cultural and Leisure Services enclosed
Minutes: The Head of Cultural and Leisure Services submitted a report requesting that Committee approve an increase in the establishment hours at Ribblesdale Pool to help reduce the reliance on casual staff for the core hours of the pool on weekdays.
It was noted that the amendment to the establishment will enable the pool to have greater certainty of lifeguard cover during the week and the increase in cost is negligible, it being met from the existing budget.
1. Agreed that a lifeguard post be increased from 25 to 37 hours per week, Monday to Friday.
2. Agreed that the post is restricted to females only so as to maintain a balance of males and females.
3. To request Personnel Committee to consider the proposed changes to the establishment at Ribblesdale Pool.
Community Services General Report PDF 106 KB Report of Head of Service, Cultural and Leisure Services enclosed
Minutes: The Head of Cultural and Leisure Services submitted a report to update the Committee on a variety of developments in sports, arts and community development and performance of the Platform Gallery.
The report specifically covered:
- Mardale Car park
- RV3G
- Clitheroe Contemporary Arts Festival – 8th to 11th June 2023
- Draw Clitheroe – 5th August 2023
- Artwalk Clitheroe – 26th March and 8th October 2023
- British Textile Biennale – October 2023
- Platform Gallery
- Overview of best sellers and local makers
- Ribblesdale pool
King's Coronation Celebrations PDF 60 KB Report of the Head of Cultural and Leisure Services enclosed
Minutes: The Head of Cultural and Leisure Services submitted a report to provide the Committee with an update on a proposal for the use of large screens to enable people to watch the Coronation ceremony in the grounds of Clitheroe Castle.
It was noted that the event will be an occasion which many people will wish to celebrate. There will be no Council staff on duty for the staging of this proposal, though the Rotary have offered to steward. There may be issues of litter after the event, which may require additional Council resources on the Sunday to address the issue.
1. Agreed that the Council will provide 2 screens (2m high and 4m wide) to enable people to watch the Coronation ceremony in the grounds of Clitheroe Castle.
2. Agreed that the screens will be placed in the bandstand area.
Reports from Representatives on Outside Bodies Minutes: There were no reports from representatives on outside bodies. |
Exclusion of Press and Public Minutes: RESOLVED THAT COMMITTEE: That by virtue of the next item of business being exempt information under Paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972 the press and public be now excluded from the meeting.
Biofuel for Trial for the Council Vehicle Fleet Report of the Head of Cultural and Leisure Services enclosed Minutes: The Head of Cultural and Leisure Services submitted a report to provide the Committee with information on a trial of biofuel for some of the vehicle fleet the Council operates.
1. Agreed a twelve-week trial of biofuel for some of the vehicle fleet that the Council operates.
2. Recommend to Policy and Finance Committee that the cost of the trial be included in the Council’s budget and that an exemption from contract procedure rules be sought to accept the offer of this trial with the contractor as set out in the report.
3. Agreed that a report be brought back to this Committee assessing the results of the trial of biofuel
Amenity Cleansing Vans Renewal Report of Head of Service, Cultural and Leisure Services enclosed
Minutes: The Head of Cultural and Leisure Services submitted a report to provide an update on the procurement of vans for the amenity cleansing service and the granting of an exemption from the Contract procedure rules. |